Decided to stay on 3mg of risperidone

Did you try Zyprexa in the past? Were your negative symptoms better on it?

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Thanks @Leaf

@Aziz I was only on Zyprexa for about a month.
My blood sugar levels went up too high and my thyroid levels were off so my doctor at the time took me off of it.

I dont remember anything about my negative symptoms being worse.


I guess then you found your best med, Risperdal. Maybe they’ll have better meds in the future. There is Caplyta but idk if you would risk it by switching meds.

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I’m starting to hear better things about Caplyta now.
Maybe one day I’ll try it but yeah it’s very risky.

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That’s good @Wave. Definitely keep in touch with your pdoc and let her know how you’re feeling, especially if you’re noticing any significant changes.

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