Daydreamer, here's where it gets to be all about me, like you said

Volunteered from age 12, doing paper route too, went on to lifetime service,

trapped into bullying and marks of the beast against my control,
just how many are tapping in, and then electronic torture forcing me out of jobs, and livelihood,

on going for over 10 years, forced to be a schizophrenic from blood disorder and experiences,

had two disabled kids, and did my absolute best. Forced out of jobs, bullied on jobs,

when I bring something these boards you honor so much, just understand, the scales are tipped,
if they’re watching your dreams, hitting your body, reading your thoughts,

you stop caring about getting along and petty insecurities.

Moved to Unusual Beliefs.

This really sounds like the delusions are more controlling you right now.

yeah. I do what I can to reach the public. It fails. I accept that. I do my best to offer what I can,
but nobody else in my shoes is doing that, as you notice.

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