Damn. That's it: just damn

The old biker at work refuses to clean restrooms. I remember when he first got here him and the bosses had heated words about it several l times and now two years later he doesn’t have to clean them.

The new guy on the crew has been here a month and two days ago I hear the bosses discussing how he said he’s not cleaning restrooms anymore.

WTF? We’re friggin janitors; janitors clean restrooms! They know it; this what they signed up for when they got hired. But it sounds like he won’t have to clean them.

But me and the other two disabled guys have to clean them. I was a little mad about those guys getting out of it. It is the principle of the thing.

Is this job so hard to fill? It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had. I hate to be mean because I get along with these guys but is the management so desperate for workers that they couldn’t have replaced these guys when they first started? I kind of like them and I wouldn’t want them to lose their jobs now but back when they started they should have been forced to do restrooms or let go.

And if you think that sounds harsh it’s because the ex-con and the new guy aren’t mentally ill. But me and my three other co-workers are mentally ill and we all have to clean restrooms which we aren’t fond of doing either. Is this coincidence or discimination agains’t us? It sounds like discrimination to me based on our disabilities.


I don’t know if it’s discrimination or not, but it’s certainly messed up.


Sounds like 21st century slavery.


@77nick77 I would file a discrimination lawsuit if I were you.


It screams discrimination to me but I’m not sure how to go about this. :flushed:


Have you ever asked not to clean them ?

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No, I don’t do stuff like that.


I used to be a cleaner for a very short time. Cleaning the restrooms is the worst part. So if those two guys don’t have to do it, I’d ask also not to do it. Its just not fair otherwise

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I was also one of the few people to clean the restrooms at my old job; though, to be fair, I was also one of the few people there who wasn’t a ■■■■■■■ adult child, lol. I could actually handle ■■■■, literally.

I hope you can get this issue resolved. Sounds highly annoying.

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