Dammit, it happened again

Thanks that actually does make me feel better. :sob: I think a lot of people experience weird things or believe different things but are scared to talk about them since they aren’t “mainstream”


I’m sorry @anna… I know you’re a smart one, it’s probably why your docs start thinking outside their designation on you.

This is gonna pass… you’re smarter than all that!

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I just never know which is why I try to keep as many rational grounded people around as I can.

Getting too sucked into it ends up very frightening. It is much more comforting to me to think of it as illness and not real. Let’s me use my scientist brain.


I think that is a great view to have. It’s what I try to do as well. I don’t know the truth of things. Who knows what the purpose is. So I keep myself as simple and grounded as possible and stop worrying about what is true. I focus on what is right in front of me.

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Yes. Sorry that you are not getting the support that you want or need.

For me being grounded involves avoiding morbidity and gossip. But things of a spiritual nature grounds me. I would feel ill if the only world that existed was the one in front of my face.

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@ablue I’m not saying I disagree with that if it works for you. I think if it gives you peace of mind and makes it easier to exist in your environment go for it. I just know that I, personally, could get in trouble if I try to look too deeply into the deeper recesses of the universe. So I look only at what is in front of me and it has really helped me.

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Yes I understand. At times I would have to avoid such things. Most of the people in my life view the world as you describe. Maybe it is better for me. And most people understand me better when I keep it rational. Thanks for sharing I don’t mean to impose my idea.

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@Anna therapists aren’t for schizophrenics…that’s why you are hearing such gibberish from them…I advise just stick to your pdoc for meds and advice…good luck…

@ablue You didn’t at all. You merely shared your view and I appreciated the insight.


The main issue is that I am often so horribly disturbed by what I experience. I need a safe place where I can just vent about it and be assured I’m safe and that this place is real. Without therapy I tend to just rot inside myself. I can’t talk about this stuff to anyone I care about/that cares about me as it is extremely distressing to them, especially knowing they can’t do anything to stop it.

I actually have learned a lot of helpful things from it. I’ve just realized it seems to be very dangerous to talk about my experiences in actual depth because when I go into detail is when people start saying oh but maybe you’re not psychotic.

I really just want to find a good AP :sob::sob: I recently had a pretty nasty experience with saphris which was very disappointing to me. I’m considering going up doses of seroquel as I’ve done pretty well with it. If just the lower doses raise dopamine maybe it’s better I go up. I’m just a bit worried as when I was on 100 mg I was pretty sedated into the next day. And that’s not even a high dose. Maybe I’d get accustomed to it over time.

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It is not just schizophrenics who get confused about spiritual things, but most people are unsure what to believe about spiritual matters.

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She tried to convince you? Or she was just saying that this may be the problem
Maybe she just want to see how you react…
Still shes a tereble therapist to have

She was more just saying this could be it so it wouldn’t hurt to look into it

Just try to not get lost in the “spiritual realm (delusional one)”… A friend of mine who was very successful in bussnis once told me my problems is because I don’t get laid… Another one told me I am a victim of energy vampires thief’s… Everybody got an opinion. Remember that it easy to talk from outside of sz, most people, including therapists don’t understand sz. Just the text book


Many people are focusing on your current therapist, but you said that this is your third therapist saying that your issues are spiritual. Did you have a traumatic experience irl that involved cults or religion? If not, then the therapists should not be validating your delusions.


I really didn’t though you’d think I would. I don’t have any explanation for what happened to me it really came out of nowhere and wasn’t like anything I’d experienced before in my psychosis. Oh well. You can’t have answers to everything.



I apologize if my question was too personal. Also, you don’t have to explain anything to me or anyone else.

All that matters is that you find peace, or at least a modicum of peace, from whatever it is that torments you :heart:

Nah it’s fine! It was a logical question! And thanks :sun_with_face:


I think it is impossible to separate the spiritual and the mental. When they put me on the Haldol shot I’d lay in bed fifteen hours a day, daydreaming about easy ways to commit suicide. There is something very wrong spiritually about that, but there was also something very wrong mentally. When they put me on Geodon and Seroquel I did much better.

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