Yesterday was my 21rst birthday. I had a lovely day. No classes or work. I went to Starbucks, then spent the rest of day in bed working on a paper for a class. (The paper on schizophrenia and sleep, once I have the final copy I’ll share it on here :)) My friend came over to study and we had a good talk. She is incredibly supportive of me. I almost started crying from her kindness. Then I watched a show with a bunch of my friends before we all went out to dinner for my birthday. Everyone I invited showed up which was great. I got a massive margarita and finished the whole thing Didn’t even get tipsy…oh well…then I came back and visited with people a bit and I’ve been playing with my rats all night because my insomnia is causing me to wake up multiple times a night and not fall back asleep. Still I’ve had a lot of fun playing with my rats and bonding.
It was a really wonderful day, the kind of day you don’t want to be over. Anyways I’m 21 now guys!