Cutting down on caffeine/coffee

I’ve been experiencing stomach, heartburn issues and fluttering heartbeats lately (skipping heartbeats)

I think that I’ve pinned it down to too much coffee/caffeine consumption.

I drink 3 large mugs of coffee daily many times.

I’ve decided to cut it back down to 1 mug full a day.

The rest of the time I’ll consume some decaf coffee.

I see a cardiologist next month.

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I feel so much better since I quit caffeine totally. It was difficult to do though.


I’m cutting back down to one mug of caffeinated coffee a day.
I edited my previous post.

I cut down on my coffee/caffeine BIG TIME. When I was on 40mg of olanzapine I slept all the time and had no energy to do anything. I would literally drink 10-15 cups of coffee a day.

Now that I am off olanzapine I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning, then I switch to green/black/white tea. it has caffeine in it, but much less than coffee. It also has l-theanine which counters the effects of caffeine. It leaves me feeling relaxed but alert.


I know. I drink a lot of caffeine too. Coffee causes me to sneeze, cough, and nasal discharge. I think I may be allergic to it. I’m having a heart stress test to see if I have a blocked artery December 20th. I already saw a cardiologist.

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Thanks @everhopeful @Headspark and @anon54988740

Good luck with your doctor appointments @anon54988740


That’s a good idea.

I also need to cut down. I think I will do so during my Xmas holidays

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For how many days did you feel really extra fatigued after quitting caffeine.


Withdrawals were brutal for me. I had pains in my legs too. It took about 2 weeks for it all to settle down.

But I’m really sensitive to coffee and you’ll only know how caffeine withdrawal affects you once you try it for yourself.


I may go see a cardiologist right away.
Some of my symptoms are related to having an enlarged heart.

I have the most heart palpitations in the days right after my invega injection and as the weeks go on I have almost none. My shot is next week and I have had very little fluttering in the last two weeks.

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