Currently -16F and dropping

Tomorrow they say at 8am it’ll be -34. Ugh!


You are no doubt doomed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::rofl:

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@Mountainman Lol 15151515151515

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Time to go pee outside and see what it does!!! :smiley:


Yeah it’s going to get cold tomorrow night and Thursday, 0 degrees F but not - 34 F!!!
That is downright frigid!!

I just saw on the news my area tomorrow will be -50, and Chicago will be colder than Antarctica!!! :open_mouth:


Yeah I saw this article.

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It’s just nuts. I just went outside and it’s crazy cold out there. God help the homeless, animals, the people without heat in their homes.


I’m going to cancel my therapist appointment on Thursday.
It’s supposed to be a high of 15 F.

This is too cold for me!


I don’t blame you at all!!!

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I always worry about all the stray cats. :frowning:


Oh my gosh, you poor thing!!!

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Ohhhh, those poor babies!!!

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Where I live, in the Midwest U.S.A., it is currently 4 degrees F. It will get to -11 F tonight. It has been bitter cold like this all week.

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Yikes, that’s cold. -12C/10F here right now. Pretty mild, only need a light jacket.

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Currently -38 degrees Fahrenheit right now. :turkey::turkey::turkey:


We don’t even have heat or AC I think, the temperature is just so perfect all you need is a window open sometimes.

I wish you could all have such luck with temperature >_<
Post reminds me of the end of the twilight zone episode where the earth was drifting away from the sun.

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@anon1517417 I used to have a Bengal. She got out one night when it was frigid. I was beside myself until she came back hours later - warm! She had found some place to stay warm. It might have even been inside a neighbors house, I don’t know. But it gives me hope for the strays out there. I just pray they find a warm place to hide.

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When it gets below 0 Fahrenheit here i like to heat a glass of water in the microwave a minute or two, then take it outside and fling the water up in the cold air to see what happens.

i haven’t tried it without heating it first, i’ll have to try it

And i will be worried about my plastic water pipes freezing

Do you have to venture out during the negative temps @SkinnyMe?

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