I’ve become worried about this a lot. I hope they discover a vaccine soon.
I’m very worried too.
It exploded in South Korea. I’m changing my life plans around because of this illness.
I’m not worried. Just do your best to keep yourself happy and I figure the virus will be water off a duck’s back.
I hope they will be able to deliver vital medications when the virus continues to spread.
Food and water also.
I may have to stock up on food and water now.
I bought 2 months of storable food for this, in case of a lockdown. The dream is that it will burn out by summer, but there is some credible speculation that this may outlast the summer and become endemic.
If it outlasts the summer, I am 100% f*cked.
Do you live in South Korea @naturallycured?
It’s just another case of mass hysteria.
People only die from those epidemics if they’re already sick or have weakened immune systems.
Regular people just get sick for a while, with proper treatment they will recover.
I’m not too worried.
I’m not too worried but truth is u never know wat could happen
The virus might mutate or something and get worse for instance
Hopefully that will not happen
I have diabetes so I’m very susceptible.
A doctor in China died I think. You think the chances are they would be previously healthy. Or maybe that is a stupid assumption? I am not sure
Canada. But the increase of cases in SK from 31 to over 1200 in under a week is very disturbing.
China probably doesn’t have the best healthcare unless you’re rich
I don’t think so.
Healthy people are dying from the coronavirus as well.
Yeah… South Koreans are freaking out about this.
I’m also immune compromised.
Not going out at all.
If I get this virus I will surely die.
Healthy people also died from bird and swine flu.
Mostly people with poor access to healthcare I think
Generally, OECD/ high HDI countries maintain the outbreak well, like South Korea. We have about 1000 cases right now and only 12 people have died. (South Korea is a developed country.)
But almost 60% of infected can trace themselves to one careless patient who refused testing twice. She then went around everywhere.
Now 1000 people are infected because of that patient. It pisses me off.
That’s so selfish! When I got the swine flu, my doctor told me not to come to his office. Just mailed me a sick note and told me to stay indoors for at least three weeks unless absolutely necessary.
Oh yikes! I am so sorry you went through that.
Yeah that person is now the reason why a law is in place now. The government just passed a law forcing infected people to stay in quarantine or to get testing done. If they don’t, they will be fined or jailed.