They say it’s not in the general population and it’s someone who had been traveling to China and they and the person they were in close contact with are in quarantine at home. But that’s still a little close for comfort. I get really scared when we’re talking one county away.
yes its very scary here in Greece no cases yet.
Yeah we are a city away from where someone is quarantine.
Oh no. Just take caution and try to keep your hands washed and possibly wear a surgical mask when you go out. I did this when I had bronchitis and didn’t want to get more sick. I hope it doesn’t spread anymore.
It doesn’t seem to kill too many of its victims. What are you supposed to do if you catch it or a loved one catches it?
I don’t know, I guess you take care of yourself and hope you get better and don’t spread it to anyone else.
What should one have on hand? Are supplies of kleenex and gingerale and chicken soup a good idea?
I would think so. Maybe Gatorade if you like it. Tylenol, Advil, Theraflu all the usual suspects.
They just transferred five coronavirus patients to the town next to me. Like a half hour drive away!
We have had a case in my hometown but that was nearly two weeks ago now and there have been no other reported cases.
I think we’re pretty well equipped to deal with this.
There was a lady though in London who had it and took an Uber to the emergency room and completely ignored the advice to stay home. These are the idiots who will cause us problems
That’s why a cruise ship is an ideal place for a quarantine.
Traveling to china and back is a great way to endanger your friends and family back home. I hope whatever they went there for was important.
Asians are not always Chinese.
Do you think all Asians are viruses or something? Your comment makes me really mad.
You are talking about xenophobia here.
So. I’m living in Korea and this person who was infected refused testing two times and infected 30 people at once. I’m just dumbfounded. Like why???
I just don’t understand some people.
There are several outbreaks in Canada but not in Manitoba yet.
Seriously, I live alone and rarely get sick. What are all the usual suspects? How does one care for a person with the virus?
I looked it up online and didn’t find any satisfactory answers. The best thing to do is call your doctor and let them know you’re sick and ask them what you should do. Don’t leave your house apparently. This will stop spread of the disease. I did read where you should be washing your hands plenty with soap and warm water.
Like I can get a call back from doctors in the best of times. You are seriously ignoring the boyscout in me.
I feel like you’re sick and think you have it
Mrs. Jayster has severe COPD. Any lung disease means danger for her.