I’ve spent many years researching the causation and treatment of schizophrenia one thing that is glaringly obvious as is the conspiracy of silence amongst health care providers and that is the actions of heavy metal toxicity on the brain, prior to having me my mother worked in a metallurgy lab, I was exposed to copper dust in my work in engineering combined with Mercury, Lead and Aluminum, as a child I had night terrors, they say the best way for a mother to detox is have a baby so I had prenatal exposure to heavy metals along with industrial exposure, I had my breakdown at age 27, so how do these heavy metals cross the brain barrier, marijuana, pharmacuitical drugs, psychiatric drugs, many people experience terrible side effects when first being put on psychiatric drugs this could be an upsurge in uptake of heavy metals in the system, Phyllis Bach and Andrew Cutler have pointed to copper and Mercury as co factors in schizophrenia, the problem is these heavy metals are very difficult if not impossible to completely detox from the brain and cause long term damage the longer they are left untreated, what you can do is reduce your load, to detox copper, use molybdenum, manganese, EDTA and B3, to detox other metals making cilantro/coriander smoothies with chlorella, DMSA detoxes Mercury, EDTA detoxes copper and lead, since reducing my toxic load of heavy metals I am now well on my meds without side effects or residual symptoms, the effects of heavy metal poisoning and its correlation to mental health were well documented during the industrial revolution when exposure to these elements was high yet it seems to be a point that the health care industry avoids, could it be political lobbyists, Mercury amalgums, Mercury derivatives used as preservatives used in vaccines the scope for litigation would be vast, instead people with schizophrenia are shunned and often live on the outside of society condemned to a life of suffering over medicated on psychiatric drugs without investment in complimentary treatments, I would avoid fish oils as these may contain methyl mercury and CBD is produced from hemp grown as industrial soaks in China, again, likely to be contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins.
i used to believe this, i was convinced i had heavy metal poisoning. got blood tests for copper and zinc, all turned out normal.
it is a possibility that heavy metals could be a factor but for me i dont think it is.
also the “conspiracy of silence” i would say is complete opposite in the alternative health community. they are obsessed with heavy metal toxicity . detox this detox that etc… the other side of the coin to the pharmaceutical profit industry is the supplement industry
Schizophrenia was first recorded by the Egyptians, they also mined heavy metals and their use in pigments and processes, in ancient China , Mercury was used as a neuro toxin, copper poisoning causes racing thoughts, anxiety, auditory hallucinations, lead poisoning causes agitation, aluminium causes alzhiemers, these conditions are on the rise, blood tests don’t accurately show toxic load, tissue build up, brain toxicity.
Just be careful and weigh out what you think . Don’t just take someone’s word for it if they say that you have heavy metal toxicity via hair analysis or whatever else the alternative doctor may use, which is also not accurate…
I swear I had worse symptoms once they told me I had toxic overload… now that I threw that idea out the window I improved
I’m only telling you this so that you don’t get sucked in to it like I did.
Do your research , weigh the pros and cons and make the best decision you can.
Try to avoid the pharmaceutical conspiracy mindset. I don’t really think there’s a conspiracy. I think any company in the business at the end of the day is to profit from its customers. Pharmaceutical and alternative
I did have heavy metal toxicity, the test was off the scale and my symptoms worsened while I was detoxing it took me twelve months to detox, I’m grateful to alternative medicine like acupuncture, SAMe, methylfolate, inositol, detox, before them I was zombified on the medication, I’m not advocating anyone should come off medication these are complimentary treatments, I agree with you there a lot of quacks in both fields of medicine, I’m grateful for both the pharmacietical medication and the the alternative medicine, the Chinese have a saying, walk two roads, I feel the way forward for mental health care is a combination of pharmacuitical and complimentary treatments.
My amalgam tooth fillings ruined several decades of my life. Recovery did not begin until I had them removed.
“If they have more than four amalgam fillings in their mouth, the average person’s saliva is so high in mercury they cannot legally spit in the toilet.” - David Kennedy, Dental surgeon
The most popular connection known of is the Mercury-Candida-Amalgam Connection. Google this connection, and you will find lots of results.
Since 1988, the Environmental Protection Agency has required dentists to treat amalgam fillings that are removed as hazardous waste. However, the various regulatory agencies as well as American Dental Association insist that putting “hazardous waste” in the mouth is safe.
Public Statement By Congresswoman Diane Watson who is proposing legislation to phase out mercury in dentistry in California. It is very informative and is becoming quite well-known. Mercury in Dental Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act, Los Angeles, California
Sorry but copper stores in ur tissues not your blood that’s why it came out fine. You need a urine test or hair mineral test to get accurate results.
im not sure about urine test, but hair tests are known to be unreliable, naturopaths like to use those tests.
@moonbeam this thread is from ancient times
I remember reading that people used to add lead to their wine, due to the sweet taste. It caused all sorts of problems and eventually people got wise.
5 yr old zombie thread