Well this is a continuation of my last post sorry all my posts are so long I called my sleep Dr as suggested by the er dr and asked them if I could schuedule an appointment asap but was told they were booked out into mid Feb I tild them I could not wait that long to get in all they said was Sorry and that theyd put me on a waitlist in case someone cancels their appointment they would call me then and get me in sooner So Im done calling people that cant help me if Im still alive by feb or well be then I wont need their services anyway
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It might be panic attacks. Im sorry youre going through this. Remember to breathe through your nose and out your mouth voluntarily when you are struggling
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It could be I just don’t know what the cause is unless it’s from not wearing my CPAP machine every night like I am supposed to or could be both things causing this.
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Panic attacks were caused by medicine withdrawal for me and accompanied psychosis before I last went to hospital. I am not having them frequently anymore
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