Constant state of anxiety

I think it’s just situational but I have a month to find a new job and it’s the weekend and theres really nothing I can do to work towards finding a new job right now. I already emailed 5 places my cover letter and resume and now I just have to wait. Yet this constant feeling of anxiety is really exhausting me. What if I can’t find a job in a month and then I’m out of work? I don’t have much savings I can’t afford to not work for very long. I could make it maybe a month and a half tops without working. I just have so many bills. Constant constant anxiety is welling up and I don’t know what to do to remain calm. I don’t want to take an ativan cause I save those for panic attacks but my normal calming techniques aren’t working. Anyone have any tips on how to not be a little ball of anxiety over this weekend?

Do you have any DVD’s you could watch? Maybe you could relax in front of a good movie. How about a good book? Maybe you could lose yourself in a good book. Maybe you could cook yourself some cookies, and munch on those all weekend. Try not to obsess on your problems. They’ll work themselves out.


I’m feeling a bit better as the night goes on. I’m
Confident I can find a job, just hopeful that I find a job that’s better than my current one.


what type of work are you looking for? maybe i can help


I’m a dental assistant currently. That’s what I went to school for.

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I am sorry to hear you are leaving your current job. Why are you leaving it?

@November there’s quite a few reasons. Things have sort of been slowly getting worse at my office and I got written up last Tuesday for having a panic attack at work. We have two doctors three of the four days now and the days are really like 11 hour days. I’m lucky if I get half of my lunch I’m supposed to because we are constantly behind. I’m so exhausted every night after work all I can do is get in bed and sleep. And the weekends I spend recouping. I just think perhaps a slower paced office would better suit me. Or one with more assistants possibly that can manage a busy stacked schedule like that


@Hanna_Foxx Thank you for replying. Yes I would for sure look for something else. Sounds like a very stressful environment. I relapse when I am too stressed out.

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It sounds way too stressful. I hope you find something better.

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Thank you @LilyoftheValley I hope I find something too. And I hope I find it soon!

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Just took an “attention to detail” test for one of my job applications. Yep pretty sure I failed. They gave you 90 seconds per question and they asked things like “ahdFhjIhBgS57oUHisnskJzks38 find all the matching strings of letters and numbers in the options below but ignore the capital letters.” Then they’d repeat the crazy random pattern but some letters capitalized and some not and it was horrible. I hope the employer doesn’t go off of that test completely. That just stressed me out so much.


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