Community College

I am thinking about going back to Community College to become an X-ray tech. I can make $30+ an hour doing that. I am currently on SSDI and only get $1460/month so I’d love to have the increase in income. I have really bad ADD. I was in Community College in 2016 and 2017 and I dropped out. I really regret it. The pre-req’s for Nursing were too hard for my delusional brain. I was LOST in my delusion back then. I might be able to go now and pay attention since my delusion isn’t as overwhelming as it used to be.

I also have insomnia and I am waiting for it to get better before I go to school or work.

Anybody here going to school? Also, I am 52, so I’d be like 55 or 56 when I got done.


I am not going to school. But I say go for it.

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If you can work, why not.


I want to. I’m trying to rehabilitate my brain into studying again

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I’m doing an advance certification for insurance professionals, but, at 52, I feel I’m too old for school. At least too old to benefit from what I’d spend on it in a professional sense.


I finished an associate of arts and an associate of science degree at the same time in 2018.

I’m all about higher education. :+1:


I’m a fan of lifelong learning, but… Only have so much $$$ and I need to see a return on it.


I agree. I had the benefit of using my GI Bill. Those are funds a lot of people in the US don’t have access to. (Unless if they’ve served in the armed forces and got an honourable discharge.)

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I take online classes from a community college. I need three classes for my degree. I’m 60 years old so at this point it’s only a vanity degree. I won’t use my degree; it’s just something I want to accomplish for my own personal pleasure.


That’s awesome! I’m hoping to go back to work and get a good job.

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Good luck with that. I hope it works out for you.

You’ll be 55 or 56 whether you go to school or not.

I say go for it.


That’s why I got my associate degrees for the most part. I only had to complete a science class with a lab so I figured why not? It’s awesome to have a personal goal.


I definitely agree, we all need a challenge, in my opinion. One word of advice, if I may? Before attempting to go all out, see if your community college will let you audit a class. At my old CC, auditing a class gives you the chance to sit in, do the work, but it doesn’t count against you. That way, you can see how you feel being back in school, and it will give you an idea on how to push yourself, without going too far. Just a suggestion. Feel free to ignore it. :upside_down_face:


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