The opposum is on the left and the possum is on the right. Two completely diferent animals found in completely different parts of the world.
I know I’m not the only one who did not know this, though, because we used to have "smokes possum posting " threads (or hannahbanana’s at one point, I think) and similar threads. Almost everyone in those threads posted pictures of opossums as possums.
Anywho…this is a thread for similar misconceptions.
Very few antibiotics require you to abstain from alcohol. The whole ‘don’t drink on antibiotics’ has its origins in the navy.
Sailors on shore leave would catch sti’s.
The ships doctor would treat them with antibiotics.
but to prevent these sailors from getting drunk and going straight to a brothel the same day (and spreading the vd before the antibiotics had a chance to clear it) the doctor would say you can’t drink on antibiotics.
This sounds outlandish but I assure you it is fact