Comfortable at home

Anyone else hate leaving the comfort of their own home?


Ever since my friend ditched me I haven’t left my home too much. I’m hoping to get a job soon. To put me in the schedule of leaving routinely.

Sorry your friend ditched you. I just feel uncomfortable when I leave the house. I get so paranoid something will happen to me.
Good luck on the job. I haven’t tried very hard to get one yet. Lost my last 3 jobs due to schizophrenia

Thanks we were probably bad influences for each other. Our relationship had to be limited at some point just annoying to me that I’m left lonely as a result at this point.

My last job I lasted 9 months.

When I had my friend we would go hiking and out to music events and stuff. Now I feel too paranoid to do anything alone.

Plus with covid. Boring I just stay home mostly.

Yes covid makes staying at home easy.

I am comfortable at home but I do crave going out … but when that gets too much I need to be home

I could stay home forever, sadly I have to work

I’m most comfortable at home

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Covid makes it easier to stay at home.
But yeah I’m a homebody.


I am paranoid outside home, I feel that people can know that I am not normal.

I prefer staying in my apartment. I feel safe here.

Yes. I hate it so much. :fish::fish::fish:

I feel so much safer at home. I get paranoid everyone is looking at me when I leave the house

Safe at home. My mind will wander out but home here tends to help bring it back in.

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