Cognitive issues. Meds or schizophrenia?

Has anyone noticed if cognitive issues vary with whatever meds you’re on?

All I remember is when I was off meds I could read a book.

But maybe my second admission to hospital as a result of being off meds fried my brain a bit more.


I think its both, sz and the meds.


For how long did you stop meds? You still had negative symptoms off meds?

I was off meds for 2 years (about 10 years ago) My negatives were worse off meds. My functioning was far worse too.

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I agree with this statement.


I think we all run into this question at one point or another. I agree with @Aziz and @Blossom tho its kind of a chicken or an egg problem where both came first lol


Collab bro? 363636366

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Lol! You know it :wink:

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Maybe it’s like a “out of the frying pan into the fire” kind if situation

Without meds I can’t concentrate cause the Devils trying to convince me my microwave has a tracking device :laughing:

On meds all my energy is just zapped and therefore can’t read again… Idk gotta just keep looking for solutions. …keep looking and eventually you’ll find solutions


Yes I’m a junior in college and struggle to concentrate on my studies I get a lot of help from my parents


I feel like my cognition has been a little different on each med. I think it has improved on clozapine. I still had some paranoia on risperidone. On abilify I was more outgoing and I think my social functioning was better.


Same for me.


I am going to try Vraylar, its better than Abilify, supposedly.

The more unwell I am the less I understand
Although it’s also depends on my mood or tiredness
Is it a minor red flag symptom ?

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i don’t know. i need the meds so i take them religiously and try to make applesauce from the apples. or is it from the prunes? or is it from everybody’s s___.


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All I know is I cant think.

It’s hard to say for sure but I think, for me, it is more schizophrenia than the meds, in fact I think the meds helped me get closer back to the way I was before mental illness hit me.

I was diagnosed in 2004 and put in a mental health facility for 5 months. They immediately put me on 40mg of olanzapine. Within the first couple weeks they took us on a trip to the mall and I bought a book by Stephen Hawking I wanted to read. I read it while I was there but it was a struggle, not because of the content but because of my ability to focus and concentrate. At that point the meds hadn’t kicked in and I was still psychotic. Prior to that I also did poorly in University as I developed mental illness, I wasn’t on meds then so I’m inclined to say schizophrenia caused my problems. My memory still isn’t as good as it once was, but I’m also 43 now not 20 so that may play into it a bit too.

I’ve improved since being on meds in many ways compared to when I was psychotic which makes me think my problems are not from the meds. I freelance as a computer technician and I usually only deal with small business and residential clients but an opportunity presented itself with a large million dollar business client who asked me to setup a QNAP NAS for his company earlier this year. I decided to take the job but I had never heard of a QNAP NAS before so I had to download the manual and read it. I didn’t have any problems and I got everything working the way he wanted. I don’t think I could’ve done that off meds while psychotic.


I can read on meds and i could read off meds but with sz symptoms i kind of had adhd like behavior so a lot of the time i wouldnt sit down and read a book

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