Cognitive decline

Lately I’m forgetting things - simple things I should remember.
I’m spacing out a lot.

I am having a hard time understanding or following the news on TV and in print.

A slow but steady cognitive decline.

I hope to God it’s not early Dementia!

But I understand enough that it could be SZ related.


Without medication, I have cognitive decline and dysfunction. I can not even make a phone call.
So I am sure it is schizophrenia-related. Take it easy and chill a little :slight_smile:


i feel you on this, im only two years into the illness and i have a terrible memory as well, ive even forgotten details of my childhood

Things like this could be due to meds. I was like that when I was on benzos. Check the side effects of e.g. your mood stabiliser.

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Yeah my brother has even noticed.

I was under a lot of stress recently.

Maybe it’s related to stress.

Hopefully it will get better.


I have the same problem. I have been told by doctors (implied) that it’s because I don’t do enough with my brain to keep it active. They don’t understand I become mentally fatigued fast.


Yeah it also could be the Depakote.
I’ll bring it up to my pdoc.

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Thanks Everyone!

I will definitely bring this up with my psychiatrist.

I experienced severe cognitive decline when I was on Risperidol years ago. It happened in the second year I took this med. I came across a research article which says the peak of cognitive decline with Risperidol is between the 2nd and 3rd year and it becomes mild after 5th year.But I had not waited that long because I quit Risperidol in the 3rd year and changed to other antipsychotics.

Now I am on Amisulpride. This med gives me extreme fatigue and prolactin level, but it does not give me noticeably cognitive decline.


Yes @green5
I’m on Risperdal also, but I have the feeling it’s the Depakote that’s the culprit.

I think untreated sz would be pretty damaging to a person so it’s probably a bit of both! I thought I saw something once where if you had sz you wouldn’t get alzhiemers but I’m not sure about that. I’d certainly be interested if anyone finds any articles.

Trouble with our meds are they can be effective short term…longer term is a little unknown as they are new in the scheme of things. Still. I think we end up with better outcomes for most folk regardless!

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Are you eating nutritious meals?
Are you exercising on a daily basis?
Are you socializing on a daily basis?
Do you engage in mind challenging activities?
Are you learning anything new?
Are you getting enough sleep every night?
Are you meditating?
Are you taking nootropic medication?

I ask all of these things because I was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment due to sza two years ago. Then, I instituted all of the above interventions. Now, I no longer suffer cognitive impairment. My IQ two years ago was 80. That’s borderline retarded. Today, it is 109. That’s within normal range.


wow, you are such a determined person. I admire you for your perseverance in cognitive improvement. Thumbs up!


i also don’t follow news/current stuff. the flow of information is not too fast on tv, its just that i cant pay attention long enough to understand long broadcasts. nothing seems important to me. my memory is also bad so i remember very little

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Thank you @green5.

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Very impressive @SkinnyMe! :slight_smile:

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I get this every time I become more stressed. And it also gets better again every time I become less stressed. But I haven’t returned to my pre-illness level of functioning.


I think I need a larger, open paper bag to find my way out of.

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That’s amazing. I’ve never gotten my IQ tested just online quizzes, which aren’t that accurate. Before the military I was scoring a 105 and now I score a 126. Your story is pretty interesting.

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