Cobenfy and liver issues

I was doing further digging into the new AP Cobenfy and this drug may not be the right candidate for me.
It seems to be very hard on the liver!

It further states that anyone with minor liver issues should not be placed on Cobenfy

Well at one point I had a fatty liver

Yeah I really don’t know about this drug.

Liver health is important

I think I’ll pass for now


I just watched a YouTube video saying it might be dangerous because the trials were only 7 weeks and we don’t know what side effects could appear in a year or 2 after use.

Just seems a bit dodgy

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I’ll be going on this med. I’m a little scared of it, too, but things are so bad right now and they’ve tried everything. I can’t handle the suicidal ideation and command voices anymore. When i was in the hospital they kept telling me to gouge my eyes out, and i just don’t know what to do anymore and neither does my treatment team. I’m scared if things don’t improve then i won’t survive. I’m on the max Zyprexa dose and i never should’ve went off of it a few weeks ago cuz i was scared to gain weight but going off it made the voices and paranoia worse. They can’t do ECT like they wanted to so Cobenfy is my only chance.


Yeah I’m sorry @WhiteRaven
I didn’t mean to sound discouraging
I know that a lot of people need to be on this drug and all meds have side effects.
I was really speaking for myself
Best of luck with it!


Every medicine I’ve ever taken lists over a dozen side effects, yet I only ever get one or two if any. You can’t assume every single possible side effect is gonna hit you. In my book as long as I don’t gain weight or turn diabetic I’ll live.

I throw up once or twice a month due to nausea from my Synthroid medication but it stopped my hair from thinning so it’s worth it.


I now assume this after:

  1. Agranulocytosis from Clozaril
  2. Profoud and permanent tinnitus from Coversyl

Supposed to be a rare side-effect in both cases.


Yeah I developed hypothyroidism and diabetes from long term lithium use


Oh yes. Zyprexa gave me explosive weight gain and diabetes. By explosive I mean that my stretch marks had their own stretch marks. Gawd.


I also had a fatty liver.

I think it would be a good idea to take Cobenfy with a fatty liver because you may lose weight on it, and the way my fatty liver reversed is because I lost weight afterwards.

Only doctors would know what sort of liver problems can contraindicate Cobenfy.


I need to be on a different AP than Risperidone at this point because of ongoing TD symptoms but I don’t think I’ll be going on Cobenfy.
First of all it’s just to new and they really don’t know the long term effects from it.
Again, speaking for myself


I agree. When I get it here in my country, it would probably be five-ten years later anyway.

Sometimes, crazy side effects are discovered years later.

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I would think it would help with fatty liver if it drops your weight quickly enough. In any case, talk with your doctor about it.

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I wanna try cobenfy but I’ll have to watch proper YouTube videos of actual reviews. I’m good at reading body language so I’m looking for any negatives in the reviews, that includes lies, where people say “oh this drug is brilliant”, but when you look into their eyes you can tell it’s a blatant lie.


If they say it’s better than morphine, I wouldn’t trust them :thinking::stuck_out_tongue:


I mean the major barrier for cobenfy right now seems to be the cost and the fact that from what I understand Medicare does not cover it.

That puts it out of my reach and I suspect many others’.

Hopefully over time it becomes more affordable. Won’t stop me from mentioning it at my appointment today.

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i hope my friend it will suit you i am sure it will suit you dont be afraid<3

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My behavior and thoughts were different on Caplyta. I’m back on Geodon because I think I’m more even keeled on it. My husband says I’m calmer.

So, anyway, my point is that I don’t know what to expect with Cobenfy. I think it’s worth trying though.

I would also be concerned about the liver side effects if you have liver issues.

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Oh well
Can’t get it then
I’m on Medicare


My provider is planning on applying for a mini-grant thru Alaska’s Mental Health Trust in order for me to afford it until Medicare covers it. I really hope this works…oh, i wish i could just take clozapine again!


Don’t quote me, I am no expert, I just did a little looking and that seems to be the case.

I think it’s this way for a lot of early meds before they’ve been on the market long enough for generics to pop up.

I just wish I didn’t have to wait until then. Someone said the GoodRX price for this med was 900 dollars a month. That’s like almost my whole check.

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