Clubbing Last Night

I felt out of place. Usually I am don’t.

We went for drinks at a pub - 3 couples then to a club. The guy knew someone so we got in.

There was even a woman dancing in her lingerie, it is supposed to be a nice place.

Even the music was not good. The DJ changed songs every 2 minutes so by the time I got into the groove, they changed the song.

Now I am stuck with a horrible hang over and nausea because of a few drinks.


I never drink shots. I don’t like how they taste and the thought of simply swallowing them is repulsive to me. I only drink red wine or beer, in moderation.
I used to love dancing, now with negative symptoms and a few extra kgs, I have to force myself a little bit, but I still do it sometimes.
Dancing is good :man_dancing:

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i had 1 cocktail. 2 gin and soda (double) :stuck_out_tongue: and also one rum and cola.
I did not have fun.

Drinking in moderation is crucial. I saw lots of drunk girls who could not walk :frowning:

But yeah I feel old, esp my bf is old and overweight… I don’t think he was happy. Usually I go clubbing with a few girlfriends, my age and we go to gay clubs.

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I think you could have requested a few songs?

I used to go to one of the biggest dives in the city and enjoyed every minute of it, because I was there with friends!

I guess you won’t go out to the club with them again?

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Lol you are not old at all. Maybe you could surprise your bf with a stationary bike, so he could exercise some at home?

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it was way too crowded. I am not even sure where the DJ was…

Yeah We do not go a lot as couples… I just expect to have fun I guess. Also I did not drink a lot so I was not in the groove

we signed up at the gym , we are waiting for the opening in 1-2 weeks. It is a great place.

Last year he lost 40 pounds in several months. He can do it, it just seems food is his only escape :unamused:

I started being more conscious about my diet, two and a half months ago. I have lost 5kg (11 pounds) so far. Yes it is doable. Fortunately food is not my escape, I live a low stress life for now.
I wish you two a great time at the gym !! :weight_lifting_man: :weight_lifting_woman: