Thats inappropriate! Some of our members actually have put babys in microwaves
I don’t take meds, but I suggest eating a lot of fiber.
I don’t really remember it causing constipation in my bowels. My lungs, maybe (dang it). Was some time ago. You had mentioned you were getting steps inside your home. Have you been able to keep this up? Regular movement and exercise plays a large part in bowel motility, keeping things moving at the right speed. If you’re not moving enough things can either clog up or spray out when your system gets out of whack. Also, diet. You getting enough fibre?
Something to consider.
Not anymore since increasing risperdal from 4 to 6mg but I still walk when drinking tea or to go to eat or to the bathroom. My steps went down avg from 6k to 2-3k though. My diet is fine, I take meal replacement drinks that have 4g of fiber and sometimes take Metamucil fiber. I am not on Clozapine yet, will be on it next month.
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