Climate change, winter pics from my town

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what time of the day was this because the pictures have no people in them

I do not take pictures of people, there were people, but I never take pics that have people in them.

It’s very beautiful. The photos, not the climate change

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You say it different from last year . and how so. I find that signs of spring in these pic"s

In our normal winter we would have a lot of snow at this time of the year, not in this year, it is also quite warm, it feels as spring has arrived early.

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We don’t have much snow in Michigan too. Not so much last year too.

I was in Michigan in 1990, 30 years ago there in the Upper Peninsula, then there were a lot of snow, our winter now is strange, today it has been raining and we have very little snow, some people have said that according to some long timeframe forecasts our winter is over, it feels like it.

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Your photos are very beautiful @mjseu. Thanks for posting.

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