Change Your Brain Chemistry

I want to dedicate this topic to Psychodynamics and Intensive Therapy. I believe that we can recover and use our environment to help us. I would like to see how recovery can lead to a cure by an individualized plan that caters to the needs of one person. Each person is set out to have his her own individualized plan with intense psychotherapy.


Listen to what Dr. Ira Steinman says, Iā€™m up for learning anything and he sounds very interesting. The information below is from his website.
Intensive Psychotherapy can be transformative. It was for Lois and it has been for others. How does it transform? By talking about and working through the patientā€™s own metaphor, concretized into hallucinations and delusions. My fingers typing are the result of brain reactions and chemicals. When a person is beset by his own thought productions and doesnā€™t recognize that they come from within, it is a small step to become either terrified or enraged or dissociated; or some combination of each. All of these reactions have a chemical substrate.

Have you heard of like begets like. How can I repair my brain chemicals. I kind of know sz, , comes from genetics, environment and drugs. This is just from my research out there. So, how can I use my genes, environment and drugs, possibly substitute for medication to get better. If I all ready my symptoms then I can work it out some how with different therapies such as ā€œTalking Cureā€, intensive therapies, CBT, Here is more info from Dr. Steinman, he believes in a cure, but not for everyone.

As issues are worked through, as hallucinations and delusions are metabolized psychologically, a person begins to calm. Brain chemistry, as Susan Vaughan describes in The Talking Cure, changes in the neurotic person as issues get worked through. In the psychotic person, sometimes one gets lucky and understands the origin of psychotic thought, as was the case with Lois and others in TREATING the ā€˜UNTREATABLEā€. When this happens, there is calming and the ability to give up hallucinations, delusions and other forms of psychotic thinking. Often, antipsychotic medications can be titrated down and sometimes stopped as comprehension replaces terror.And of course, brain chemistry changes when someone is not constantly in a state of excitement and on alert.

Dr. Ira Steinman biography
Ira Steinman has focused on schizophrenia for 45 years; his early training ranged from studying with R.D. Laing to working at the National Academy of Sciencesā€™ Drug Efficacy Study, which evaluated all the antipsychotic medications available at that time. For more than 35 years, he has pursued an out-patient psychiatric practice where he has been able to demonstrate that an intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy, in conjunction with the judicious use of antipsychotic medication, can help even the most lost and disturbed schizophrenic and delusional patients recover, heal and, at times, achieve a cure. With such an approach, some allegedly ā€œuntreatableā€ schizophrenics have been able to work their way off of antipsychotic medication. He has spoken on this subject at length on a local, statewide, national and international level for more than twenty five years. He is a member of the ISPS (International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and other Psychoses); the American Psychiatric Association; and the Northern California Psychiatric Association.

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My thought about this is to come up with an individualized therapy, and group therapy, if itā€™s done online. Possibly both, maybe even a worksheet for each person. The person fills out the worksheet and brings it to group then everyone in the group gives feedback on what would help this person recovery and get ā€œbetterā€ once feed back is given for each person then the person given the feedback shares it with the group.
The worksheet would include:
Journal writing
Therapy models
Survival kit for suicide thoughts
Family problem-solving solutions.
These ideas are coming from my head I have a background in psychology and spirituality, nature therapy, art, meditation and dream therapy. I have a broad range background of East meets West. I gave you some ideas. I think here would be great start from. I will keep working on it.

Brain games, games with interaction, mystery, problem solving, hidden objects, playing matching pairs, Games such as Delicious Emily, Supermarket management, Diner Dash, Virtual City Playground. The Oregon Trail, Angry Birds, Mystery Manor, Brain Wars, Einstein. These games and there are many others that stimulate the mind. These would be good for worksheets. Also, watching movies and documentaries such as ā€œOut of the Darknessā€ John Nash Documentary, ā€œSaving Grace B. Jonesā€ ā€œBeing Usā€

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First relax your mind until this image becomes completely motionless.

Orā€¦ just keep it moving and have a brain massage.


You cracked the KJV bible code? So, what is it?

Sounds really cool. Iā€™ve always wanted to try psychotherapy. Iā€™ve only done CBT before and it wasnā€™t so helpful.

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I totally stole that picture. That really works to calm racing thoughts.

Keep in mind that even the only person with schizophrenia that I know of who receives psychoanalytic therapy is also on a seriously high dose of Clozapine.

I think that we all need both medication and therapy.


Try this sleep meditation sound video

Brain Therapy sound. I really like the first video. Very beautiful.

Mindfulness meditation video