CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I am pretty sure I have this and I have had it for years. I have been diagnosed with bipolar so I haev ‘periods’ where I have energy but my baseline is TIRED! I am also struggling with insomnia right now, so that is playing a role but I think back over my life and I have had CFS for decades. People just think that you’re lazy but you’re not! I wish I had energy! There are so many things I want to do but I am just too tired. What’s worse is that I have a hard time sleeping because I am weaning (tapering) off Xanax right now and it’s causing insomnia so I have all of the tiredness and none of the ability to go to sleep. I should go to the Dr. and see if I can find out the underlying cause of it. Maybe I am anemic or something. I do have thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s) but I take meds for that. I just want to lay around all day and have a live in masseuse. I’m SO tired! It’s 5pm and I am ready to go to sleep except A; it’s hard for me to go to sleep right now and B; If I did go to sleep, I’d wake up 1am and be awake for the day.


I just got diagnosed with that along with fibromyalgia…hugs its a hard thing to explain to people who don’t understand/think it’s not a real diagnosis. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs

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I’m pretty sure I have it, too. I am always tired. Theres no cures. I just use caffeine and be tired but faster tired.


I’ve found taking a b complex vitamin everyday help a bit

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I have felt like this for decades so I doubt if I will miraculously feel better all of a sudden. I just wish I could sleep a lot more. It sucks being SO tired and not being able to take a nap. I just have to wait for bedtime.

Hugs to you too! Feel better.

What’s the difference between CFS and fibromyalgia?

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I’m not entirely sure, i just know fibromyalgia is the pain component . Widespread aches like the flu or worse for me. It has fatigue with it I think the severity of the fatigue is how they determine if it’s cfs. I have both the pain and severe fatigue.

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Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I don’t have pain with it so I don’t think I have fibromyalgia. I just have chronic fatigue and tiredness. I have had it for years. It seems to be getting worse as the years drag on though. I’m 52 now and I am tired all day every day.

I have fatigue issues as well. I honestly don’t know if it’s CFS though. I tend to chalk some of it up to lack of exercise, diabetes and negative symptoms but it could be CFS or possibly related to sleep apnea(which I don’t have diagnosed yet).

I currently take caffeine pills to get me going during the day.

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I have been working out for about 3 weeks but if I didn’t have a friend that I work out with, I may not go. She gives me accountability so I show up but, to be honest, sometimes I drag myself through the workouts because I am so exhausted.

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I’m tired a lot but I thought it was because I was fat now.

I have had better luck since moving my night meds from 11 pm to 9 pm. Less drowsy hangover the next day.

Although I realize you might have an issue that can’t be helped by just changing med times, but just throwing it out there.


I had chronic fk syndrome, for real.

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I guess CFS is on a spectrum because my mom had it. She wasn’t just tired, she had to take naps and lie down multiple times a day. It affected her energy all day and her face would turn red and she couldn’t do any activity for more than an hour or two. This was a long time ago and she eventually got better but she had people (including doctors) who didn’t believe it was a real thing. I saw first hand how debilitating it was. So yeah, sounds like you have it. I suffer from fatigue and had my iron level checked. Nothing is causing my fatigue chemically, it’s just that I was sedentary too much, for too long. I simply got out of shape and it’s hard to get back in shape. It’s a miracle I can make it through a work day three days a week. Mind over matter I guess.

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I wish I could work. I am so bored.

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Wondering how many folks have had a sleep study done?


Not me…15 15 15

Might be worth looking into. After I got my C-pap machine, I started having more energy in the day.

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My mom and I might have this. I drink 10 monsters a day just to survive and cope and function. I don’t know.

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Were you diagnosed as having CFS? Lack of energy could be sign of chronic latent depression. They also call it as inability to mobilize resources.

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I have this. I’m a tat ( tired all time) it started when I was about 17. Energy drinks and coffee don’t work. I find moving and doing something helps.

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I have fibro, and have found what is at first difficult to get used to but helps massively is cold showers. It keeps pain at bay for a few hours at least. Lots of people with fibro swear by a cold shower.

I have been doing it for 3 months and it really has helped me overall. Why not give it a try? 3 minute cold shower invigorates and helps battle of pain for fibro. :slight_smile:

I just thought I’d give you the tip.