I think they can be very effective, if you can find an honest company to send you a quality product. I’ve tried low dose gummies that seemed more potent than high dose capsules from some companies. I’ve also noticed a great difference in quality of the same product from the same company. I personally think the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want people to use a more effective, less harmful product. Maybe I’m wrong
I’ve got good experiences with https://blacktiecbd.net and canna comforts. It doesn’t work for everyone one but personally for me it beats addictive opiate based pain pills.
They already make it for epilepsy. Brand name epidiolex.
Cbd doesn’t feel like anything for me anyone else relate?
I wish they would give it to other people who need it.
Yea it just made me drowsy/tired and sleepy.
I’ve never taken cbd but I hear different stories . Is it good or bad for you?
It’s not affordable at doses needed to feel anything.
I would say it’s great, if you can get good cbd capsules. I take about 400mg, but have had problems getting impure cbd.
I would start at a lower dose and work your way up, slowly. It can be overwhelming, if you take too much.
I tried a cbd joint smoked it all. I didn’t really feel anything from it.
So I gave the other one to my roommate he smoked it and then he said he was stoned for the night lol. He said he wouldn’t do it again cuz it lasted too long. I didn’t even know you could get stoned from it, maybe he meant like couchlock or too relaxed and drowsy.
So it worked for him but not for me.
That’s interesting. I get a high from CBD. It doesn’t last as long nor is it as strong as weed.
I would experiment with this if I could, but our government has made it illegal for now, even CBD, pending more research.
Because if you have schizophrenia, you need a much higher dose, to feel anything. It takes 300mg for anxiety, and about 800mg for schizophrenia.
People with schizophrenia need a much higher dose. 300mg for anxiety, about 800mg for schizophrenia. Though I wouldn’t start out that high.
That sounds expensive. I got a hold of some capsules before the ban came in my country, and they were only 15mg per capsule, and they were more than pricy enough.
I hope it gets legal here and that high doses become more affordable.
On the weekends I go to a local dispensary and get cbd waters for $4 a can. I get most my cbd online, many stores in the us have good deals and coupons online, the quality of the products over the years has gotten a lot better. Atleast from what I’ve tried.
If you ever try cbd concentrates I recommend cbd isolate, it’s really high potency and usually a lot cheaper than waxes.
Do you take 300mg + per dose?
It’s a concentrate, I vape it with a dab pen, it’s 99.9% cbd I don’t know how that translates to mg. The cbd waters I get sometimes are 25mg a can, I usually drink 2 and just mellow out and it’s helped me personally a lot with pain and anxiety.