CBD Cannabidiol

Anyone here have been tried taking CBD as a monoterapy? There are some clinical trial in 800mg that says that is as effective as amisulpride in that dose. And some days ago, I saw a guy in reddit telling that He is treating his schizophrenia with this since one year ago. What do you think? I would like to try. I THOUGHT it was very expensive but if you buy isolate is cheaper a bulk.

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I know for me that it’s cheaper to go with the pharmaceuticals.

CBD didn’t do anything for me. It was just a waste of money.

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What dose did you take? and during how much time did you take ? Thank you

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I don’t remember, it was a long time ago. I tried gummy bears, tea and oil. It did nothing to me.

I think clinical trials have been made on Charlotte’s web. But it’s expensive.

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I started to use CBD with a little bit of THC.

It’s expensive.

It has mood stabilizing properties and it makes me feel calm.

I like it, but I only started using it like a week and a half ago so it’s too early to say if it has any benefits.


For Us it is better without thc. Differential effects of cannabis constituents on schizophrenia-related psychosis: a rationale for incorporating cannabidiol into a schizophrenia therapeutic regimen - PMC

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Unfortunately, most CBD products contain low doses ofTHC.


You must search isolated

I would be careful with posts on Reddit about treating their sz on their on. Posts like these lead me to drug induced sz. Trust your doc.

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It is not for EM. It is for schizophrenia. But, there are clinical trials of this compound. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299924005107#:~:text=Cannabidiol%20(CBD)%2C%20a%20nonpsychoactive,%2C%20anxiolytic%2C%20and%20neuroprotective%20effects.


They say that about everything.

I wouldn’t go for CBD as a solution to anything.

It’s expensive and it takes a good amount of it to feel it’s effects.

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It is not as expensive if you buy Isolated a bulk.


Reddit. Yeah, that’s my go to for cures for complex diseases.

Look, I’ll try it when there is definitive proof from clinical trials. They’re not there yet.

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You have clinical trials also. Yourself. I AM NOT HERE to convince anybody to do anything.

Small ones so far. Waiting to see the results confirmed on a larger scale. I’m very stable right now and am not changing anything without some extraordinarily good evidence.

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Yes, it is true. Of course you can decide the best for you. I have anhedonia so I would like to try it.

The fda recommends you shouldn’t take more than 10mg cbd a day because it will damage your thyroid.

In these trials they used a whopping 600mg of cbd, which is bad.

I have cbd flowers now which I’m toking on, but doesn’t do a thing for my schizophrenia

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