Hello, any advice for someone who’s voices won’t stop telling him to drink? They annoy me until i keep drinking beers and its been 2 months of 6 beers a day. I’m really sick of it and i want to quit and i just can’t stop because of the voices.
Any Advise? should i just ignore the voices and go through harassment until they stop and i quit alcohol?
Depending on the meds you take, alcohol can make them not work or not work properly. I can’t speak for you, but I can’t trust what my voices say, and even when they’re in a good mood and being nice to me, I take it with a grain of salt because they’re not real.
If I were you, I would probably do some self affirmations to get you through, and start the process of rewiring how your brain is talking to you (Look up Louise Haye) and I would definitely give up alcohol.
I have nothing against drinking, but all the sz’s and sza’s I know that drink regularly, have more symptoms than those that don’t, so take it for what it is.
my grandmother taught me something highly valuable when i was young.
never say you can’t.
think about it. there’s nothing you can’t do. saying you can’t do something is ridiculous. obviously you can do it, you just don’t want to be sober more than you want to drink.
Im a semi-functioning alcoholic with Sz. Just try to cut down on your intake. I drink to socialise - but thats no excuse when im drinking indoors. I would suggest AA - but for me personally didnt find them helpful. When you have the answers - let me know as well. Im pretty sure there are loads on here that self-medicate with drugs or alcohol on here - they just dont admit it.
I’d find a guidance counsellor for alcoholism. They’ll advise the you take it slow and set milestones. give yourself acomplishable goals and help you see why to be proud of them.
In the end all that beer time has to be replaced with something healthy. Don’t think aobut what your hobbies are… keep an eye out for them. Try some new things. Camping, hiking, kayaking… arts center down town. Music exopsitions from whatever nearby university… I mean hobbies don’t have to be something you do yourself… They can be a spectator sport.
I found that when I no longer had access to benzos during emergencies w psychosis, I turned to drinking, and even harming myself. It’s important for me to have benzos. It is safer for me to take .5 mg of Ativan every once in a while to shut up the voices when they’re being nasty and calm me down than to randomly binge drink or hurt myself to drown it out. Maybe the same could help you.
Sorry mate but you sure your not happy to drink 6 beers a day. The voices are your own thoughts after all. Sorry to sound blunt , but i think your kidding yourself if your blaming it solely on your head. 6 beers is nothing compared to my intake - so i dont suppose you even get the shakes either. Just admit your a wino and live with it (like i have done) or do something about it.