Cant sleep... I spend nights wide awake

I think its the abilify 20 mg. Not sure what to do, it definitely doesn’t help my paranoia and delusions. Things become surreal at this hour, Im in the central european time zone currently.

Anyone else have this issue? Or at least just want to chat?

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I’m on Abilify injections.

I have trouble watching movies or reading long text. Basically my attention span has been severely curtailed on this drug.

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Thats interesting, my attention span is fine, way improved even. Guess it goes to show it affects everyone differently. I just have so much energy that I dont even need sleep and I need to be doing something all the time

I had to take abilify in the morning if I wanted to sleep. Wasn’t a good drug for me.

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When someone tells me they are bored, I just say “No you aren’t. You’re just putting off being wonderful”

Procrastination has always been one of my worst traits, but I feel I’m getting better.

My Avatar (the woman free falling from the sky) symbolizes me letting go of my fears and becoming who I truly am creatively.

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I do take it in the morning @FatMama haha

I think ever since I went on an adderall binge/relapse I really messed myself up. Addicts do what they do I guess, Im no exception

Thanks for the tip @Moonbeam, meditation has always been tough for me, easpecially now, but Ill give it a try. Ive gotten a lot out of it before if I can block out the voices

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What time is it in Sweden right now?

Really like that quote, Im gonna steal that :laughing:

But seriously, Ive let go of my fears I feel like… Used to be super socially anxious and now I dont give a f what people think. I just have an addiction problem with uppers and weed. Im off them all now but I think they really screwed with my brain

It’s 5:39 AM rn as of writing this

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Weed is legal here in Canada now.

I’m more of a Joe Sixpack. Usually just drink around the weekends…rarely during the work week.

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I’ll play one more track for you later this week. I don’t know if it’s country or punk, but it’s a song about ‘excess’.

Perhaps you could master it again for me and I’ll post it on Soundcloud?


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If I had weed here I wouldnt be slipping into alcoholism lol. Imo alcohol is a far worse drug than weed as far as my health and psychosis goes but everyone reacts different I guess.

Awesome! Send it to me for sure, would love to hear it! You really should get a proper mic though, you could get it made really professionally if you did.

Although that phone mic you got is surprisingly good. Who’d a thunk it.


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Try taking benadrill the sleeping aid like half an hour before you go to sleep.

It knocked me out really fast and I’ve gotten told that I am quite the move-alot kid.

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Also melatonin is good for sleep, it made me sleep a lot.


@Illvoices thats the thing, I take hydroxyzine, which is like benadryl on steroids and it still doesnt knock me out at 75 mg, which is a high dose. It really worries me, that should put a horse and a half to sleep

@Aziz Thanks, Ill try that. Pharmacies are going to open soon, Ill pick some up

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Go for one hundred in benadryl maybe that’ll work

Abilify didn’t do jack for me. It was like I was taking literally nothing. And Benadryl doesn’t make me tired either. If I wasn’t on this much seroquel, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at all, so my doctor just made it my primary antipsychotic. Maybe your doctor could do that with you too?

My wife was on Seroqel…it turned her into a daytime zombie. She got off of it pretty quickly.

That sucks. Does she have sz too? What dose was she on?

Not sure what dose she was on…she’s bipolar and on lithium at the moment.

And with my schizophrenia, you could write a sit com about our crazy family. Nobody would believe it, though.

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