Can't continue like this

I can’t keep living like this … eventually I am gonna die from the stuff going on. Anybody ever reach a breaking point where you really can’t keep doing it the same way?

Nothing I’m doing is working to make my situation better. The meds, meditation and will power all fall short.

Any advice on where to start if you have to make a change?


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Just stay strong and try and stay positive. It does get better. A lot of us were once in the same situation you’re in now and things got better for us.

Much love, brother.



Appreciate that bro! I really hope it does get better but have the feeling I have to change something to make it happen


You could try adding in exercise or trying to eat healthy foods . Those things helped me. Hope you feel better soon.


Can you be more specific about what’s going on?

Is it voices or thought broadcasting or what?

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If you aren’t feeling any better at all, it might be time to try different meds. Or a dose increase on your current ones if you currently aren’t on the max dose.

Exercise. If your feeling frustrated, angry, ect… lift some weights and do some cardio.

See a therapist.

Talk to someone, try to stay busy/distracted.

I know its hard man, but you can improve. It’s possible.

Hit me up in PM’s if you ever need to vent.


Probably once a month. Maybe more. I just put my head down and run at it. Nothing much else to do but punch through.


What is going on exactly @AKendrick
Hang in there, never give up


It does get better. I’ve been in some pretty bad places. Day treatment has helped the most. Idk what I’d do if I didn’t have that. Maybe look for a local day program. Take a shower brush your teeth wash your clothes clean your house. I always feel better after doing any of those. Also talk to your doctor. Maybe you can find something that helps.


I gonna keep trying!!! And I will remember that bro .might hit u up man🙏🏾


Foreal man . I’m starting to think that is the solution… Just heading into the wave

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The more you do it, the less you freak about it. You develop self-confidence because you know you’ve survived before and have what it takes to keep surviving. Same as ignoring the voices and delusions. I’ve had three decades of them promising the worst and not being able to produce so much as a day with light overcast, let alone the end of the world. Makes it so much easier not to take the symptoms seriously.


sorry to hear you’re struggling. hope u get better

It’s better now than when I posted but I have to learn to accept my circumstance and not delude myself about what needs to be done to overcome it

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