My situation is quite unbelievable.
I have the belief that I have schiziphrenia… (in this topic they say that we have wrong beliefs… so maybe I’m wrong).
I’m seeing doctors for almost ten years but not once did they say what is my problem. Not once did they pronounce the word “schizophrenia”. However they prescribe me medicine aimed at schizophrenia. So I’m pretty sure what there belief is.
It pisses me off that they would tell me what I have and I have to figure this myself. Dont have the belief, please, that they did say this to me but I didnt pay attention or would wanna hear it…
Anyway… Im very reluctant on medicine because when I was hospitalized I was like a zombie and even lost conciousness once. I have never taken drugs in my life.
My current doctor is obsessed with abilify… At some point he prescribed this to me and I wasnt taking it. He said he noticed improvements. So when months later we got everything back on the table he said to me: you should really take abilify because when you took it the other time you really seemee better! Amazing double blind test…
Abilify makes me unable to sleep. Fidgeting. I took the note listing the side effects and have checkmarked more than 10. While I indeed noticed a socialization improvement this pill doesnt seem right to me… especially if I cant sleep. I feel tired all the time and cant do anything. What scares me also is when i try this and i tried many times. I feel the effect for like a week. Almost cant sleep or not turn and turn. How is this supposed to help me? Yeah i hear the fairy tale that im supposed to take this for like a month to see whats its like. Sorry but I just cant be like that for a month… I even think this raised my selfharm thoughts.
I managed to make my doctor stop prescribing this. He now gave me Quetiapine. 50mg. He said the dosage can go up to 600. Well with just 50mg in the evening. I sleep well but in the morning I feel so dizzy that I could almost fall down the stairs… Im not kidding. So I have to go back to bed and can only be ok in the afternoon without improvement.
I cant watch tv for long. I have been like this for years.
My doctor is almost against me. I see no way I could ask me to prescribe me something else. So i have to lie to him and I told him i was taking Quetiapine…
Please guys help me. I dont know what to do… this is just the tip of the iceberg in these few lines… I feel left alone. No one cares. My family doesnt even know i have schizophrenia. Or if they know they dont say the word either…
Can you switch doctors? There are many members here who have tried multiple medications and have to find the one that works for them.
That said, you should expect some side effects. I understand that they should be tolerable though. I had the same problems on Seroquel and Abilify that you had.
You dont know what this mean to me to hear that someone else didnt feel well either with these two drugs… because sometimes I feel so guilty like “just take the pill, since its supposed to work”… like I cant even do that right…
I have already ask to change doctor where Im being seen. So there again i feel trap. Cant change doctor. Cant change pill.
I found this forum I dont even know how. By random luck. I have read a topic where there seem to be things available to the public that helps schizophrenia? Can this be a thing?
Im replying here but I almost felt like not to. I really dont feel comfortable talking. Thanks for hearing me and taking time to reply to me @HollyHobby
If youre able to function well enough off meds and like normal then that would be good but most of us here are psychotic off meds so we take them even though they have horrible side effects
So you’ve been seeing doctors for ten years but they haven’t diagnosed you with anything?
Perhaps you don’t have schizophrenia. A lot of people take antipsychotics to help them, without having schizophrenia or bipolar?
If i were you i would write a list of your problems and take it with you next time, every time, you see a doctor about mental illness and talk to them.
@anon1111 I also wonder if you just don’t have schizophrenia. Since you have not been taking meds consistently for 10 years and you have never received a diagnosis from a doctor.
I’d never be able to be off meds for 10 years and not get slapped with a diagnosis and not get snagged up.
Thanks for the replies Ribbit, Ducky and Rainstorm.
Thanks also Speedy, You seem to have a tough one.
My main problem is that I’m consistently tired and not able to do tasks. Like getting off the bed and doing work on my computer. Unmotivated and depressed. When I find a way to get on my computer then my moral gets slightly up and I can be there for 2 or 3 hours. I rarely go outside. In fact I had been leaving alone in my room for a long time. I do have unconventionnal beliefs and thoughts and obsessed on certain topics.
I had other symptoms listed on the schizophrenia picture (that i’d rather not talk about) but only for a short time and that was a long time ago.
I’m probably for sure on the autistic spectrum.
But when some of you guys say they can only watch TV half an hour or watch tv series even re-watch them (Im more comfortable seeing something I have already seen before) then that’s a match for me.
Not like TV is a must-do but its a measurment of my before and now life. That shows something in me is not right.
So yeah I dont know… I definitively need some boost.
Doctors try to prescribe abilify because it’s a good drug. It works on negs, it’s safer than most aps. I had severe akathisia on it so I couldn’t take it. There are plenty of drugs if you would need treatment.