Can you work while on disability?

My case manager says you can work while on disability theirs just limitations to it, is this true? I thought you couldn’t work while on disability.

You can work while on disability its just they limit how much you can work and how much money you can make.


You can only make about 700 without getting your disability canceled


That’s pretty cool I didn’t know that thanks.

That is before taxes, not your take home, i was on disability for twenty years and wanted to work, my counselor encouraged me, but she said I could make $1000 a mth before taxes and all that they take out, we moved and worked here, they stopped disability and told me they overpaid me, now we have to pay the govt money, yippee ki yay

I’ve been on disability (SSDI) since 1984 and I’ve been working pretty steadily since then. You can work but there are rules as to how much you can make. I don’t know all the rules but when you start working, Social Security will give you what is called a “work trial period”. It’s a test period to see if you can keep up what they call “gainful employment”.

Yeah, I can’t give you what the rules ate exactly and I can’t remember the exact figures but after going through their test periods long ago, here is where I stand with Social Security and working. I can collect almost a thousand dollars a month from Social Security and I can earn up to $1000.00 a month from my job. I can collect this basically for the rest of my life (yes, this what they tell me) but they said if I go over that limit with my earnings from my job, even once in a month, they will stop my checks from Social Security.

BUT…I have actually gone over that limit once or twice from my earnings with my job, but my boss called up Social security to tell them that it was a fluke that I earned too much that month and it was her fault and Social Security understood and I kept my benefits. But the bottom line is: yes. You can collect SSDI and still work.

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Yes, I am in the same situation as 77nick77. I get $1000 a month from disability and I can make up to $1000 and still keep disability. The trial work period is nine months if you make more than the stated threshold. After nine months, if you are still earning more ($1000, in my case), then they discontinue SSDI.

I went through the 9 month trial work period but they gave me another 14 month trial work period after that. If you go to your local Social Security office in person they will explain all this to you. You can make an appointment over the phone to go to Social Security in person and Social Security doesn’t mind if you bring family or friends to the meeting for support and to help you understand the process.

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Oh! That is good news, I will make an appointment. Thanks @77nick77!

You’re welcome. Good luck.