Can you overdose on Prozac?

Yes, it will give you serotonin syndrome, it feels really good but it can kill you!

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What’s that? 151515

Kurt Cobain will be waiting when you get home, I promise :slight_smile:

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Yesss and my favourite sweater! Going to wear i when I go to the hospital <:)

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I overdosed on aspirin and drank cleaning solution. I vomited up the cleaning solution and I vomited with the aspirin. In the short run it really didn’t affect me. In the long run it probably factored into me being like a little kid. Overdosing is not the way to go.

@doodle You seem suicidal.
Contact your psychiatrist immediately or go to the ER.

Yes psych meds like Prozac can cause damage or even kill you if you overdose.

Don’t wait around!
Get help now!

I got my Prozac now
Please let work Lord
All of them

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What? Roxanna don’t do that D:

Oh- maybe a little bit. Hopefully going to the ER tonight to see a psychiatrist (I don’t have one)

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I’m not suicidal I’m glad g be taken Prozac I’m hopefully for are all.

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Ohh you hope they work for you symptoms ?

Yeah they seem sychroncity

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I hope they work too @Roxanna! I got worried there you were inspired by my post to do something sushsksnd

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Serotonin Syndrome is ODing on serotonin in the brain. it can be triggered by any number of things, such as beer and prozac.

@doodle Please take care of yourself, suicide is the coward’s way out.

No suicidal thoughts today. You didn’t do anything wrong. Hugs

I wish I was better in helping someone on here.

This one girl tried to kill herself with Wellbutrin, and she said it was a really horrible experience. She said never try to kill yourself with Wellbutrin.