Be careful of Seroquel TW

A Facebook friend of mine tried killing Herself last night with Seroquel. She took 50 200 mg tablets and is now in intensive care and they can’t wake her up. Hope she pulls through. Sad story.


I’ve taken up to 1,000mg of Seroquel at least a few times a few years ago and maybe more. I just took the overdoses to sleep longer


That’s terrible.

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She’s borderline and wants euthanasia for unbearable mental suffering. But she took control after a quarrel with a friend. I guess she wanted to make that friend feel guilty. But I’m not sure.

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That’s very sad.

Very often suicide is just a temporary slip of depression that makes someone do something they might not have done just a little bit later. Like if they had waited until the next morning the thought of suicde might have evaporated.

I’m not saying that’s the case here, but it’s possible. I hope she pulls through.

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She just woke up! She’s still being intubated but seems like she will live. I don’t think she will be happy with that.


I take 1000mg Seroquel every day. 2 x 100mg daytime, 2 x 400mg night time. Makes me kinda groggy in the middle of the night, plus occasionally it gives me restless legs. Those REALLY suck.

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That is awful but I’m glad she regained consciousness.


I’m glad she’ll be ok. I really hope she didn’t do it to punish someone. If she did, that’s not cool. Hopefully, she’ll get the needed treatment to help her feel like living again


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