Can you have schizophrenia and never go into psychosis?

As the title says. I am confused by this illness, curious if anyone can clarify this for me- can you have schizophrenia without ever having/going into psychosis?

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Without doing any research. I think there is a certain kind of sz called “simple schizophrenia” where you only have certain negatives symptoms. Normally Sz is diagnosed by having 2 of the positive symptoms of sz though. And this would mean you are in psychosis I think.

Sorry, I’m too lazy to do any research and verification on it at the moment, but just based on memory, normal schizophrenia would include 2 positive symptoms and thereby psychosis would be involved.

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Thanks for the response.

I was just curious cause I hear stories about my grandpa and great grandpa supposedly having schizophrenia and never taking meds (cause this was forever ago) But idk how they could have maintained a farm and made money while being in psychosis…… if they really did have schizophrenia that is.


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Also- my only reference for psychosis is my psychosis which was FULL BLOWN



Simple Schizophrenia isnt in the DSM5 though. It’s an older diagnosis from ICD according to Wikipedia. They appear to be phasing it out.

My former father in law was diagnosed in his late 50s or early 60s. I forget. Anyway, he was insanely paranoid about the government and other things, including any types of medical care and meds, except chiropractic. But he maintained a job as a chiropractor. His wife helped him at work a lot. She had no schooling of any kind beyond high school. But she was still able to take care of all the paperwork and billing etc. he managed to work into his late 60s that way. When he was diagnosed he didn’t believe it and refused all treatment.

I dont think you can have schizo without psychosis, it may be mild at the start, but I think it would build up more and more and finally turn into a full fletched psychosis.

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If sz is a psychotic disorders then by definition one would need to have had some psychosis

I haven’t had psychosis in 2-3 years. I still consider myself schizophrenic.

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