Can you cry on meds?

I’m feel stupid, because when something gets me sad, i can’t live out my emotions

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I can if i listen to sad music or to music i used to listen while psychotic but I dont like or want to cry!

Why would you want to cry on your meds? Then they would be all wet.

Badum dum!


I don’t ever cry on my meds. Not even at deathbeds or at funerals. I like it this way because before meds, I used to bawl all the time and it was embarrassing.

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Thers normal ppl not mentally ill who never cry.
Its normal to not cry.

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I’ve been unable to cry now for years. I think it is because I’m emotionally blunted (which is a negative symptom). I miss it. I don’t know whether I should blame the medications or perhaps that I am not on the right ones. I made a decision in my childhood to try to stop crying, and it is not till after psychosis that I’ve again been open to it. So for most of my life I’ve tried to hold back my tears, and I’ve been quite successful. Now I can’t do it despite trying.


For me - no. Except when I was on seroquel and I viewed that as a side effect.

Don’t cry except occasionally when it isn’t appropriate lol. Embarrassing


I cry when there’s too much dopamine in my system.

Either tears of joy or sadness, can’t really tell the difference anymore.


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