Does any else’s memories seem to be altered? Is this common with schizophrenia?
Idk, I feel disconnected from my memories. No longer have an emotional connection to them.
Yes ive heard things like thay before pertaining to schizophrenia. Like creating false memories or compeltely blanking certain memories
Do you have any idea why that happens?
Uh im not really sure because im not that educated or trained in schizophria but maybe its related to delusions and “ideas of reference”. Like our voices or delusions keep repeating an idea so much that we kind of just come to accept it as fact and always refer back to that idea when forming new judgements.
For example the voices might say, “aliens are coming to get you”. Until they just accept it as fact then start basing other judgements off of that. Like if they wake up on the couch but thought that they remembered falling asleep in bed, and therefor i was probably abducted by aliens last night or something lol then voices come in and provide other “proofs” like the fact thay you feel you can hear the radio now so therefore they must have planted a chip or something, and therefore i must have been abducted.
Just one false principle, a jump in judgement which forms a new false priciple which becomes cemented until this whole complex scenario which never happened just becomes a “reality” for someone who is delusional.
Its not until we can get meds and calm down, reflect on all the rash jumps in judgments we made that we can finally come back to the truth thay none of these things occured.
As for forgetting memories idk, mqybe its a similar situation, just delusional ideas that something did not occur are created instead.
Totally agree with what you said. Do you think antipsychotics could help with it, if it is a delusion?
Yes absolutely, im not a scientist or anything but i think they help us to calm down and relax and sleep so thay we can think things through under a lot less stress and thus more clearly until they kinda fade away. I think thats why therapy helps as well because it helps us revisit and reconsider these events one by one seeing the jumps in logic we mistakenly made when in that panic state.
Revisitng every single delusion and seeing it as a delusion and thus dispelling it power over our thinking and sort of putting schizophrenia into remission. Staying on meds which keep us calm is a good idea too because it keeps us from entering into a panic state again in which we would make incorrect logic jumps and lead to new delusions and idea of reference being created, leading to another mental breakdown.
Anyways thats just one mans opinion, hope it helps
Thanks for that, it was helpful!
Np @CakeFlourSugar thats what friends are for
I keep my memories from age of six, since I think they are important in healing proces.
For ex. jumping over fence in front of building I grew up, roses and each detail about it.
I save it for one day therapy…
Yes I believe so. I have issues where I misremember things from my past and the things that I remember while I was delusional are all messed up because I was misperceiving things. It sucks because the one thing you should be able to trust is your own experience. I guess the only thing you can really trust is the moment anyway, I would just like to have a past I can make sense of.
They tried to rewrite my memory of my first kiss, so that it was from a different person, and unconsensual - that it was forced on me.
But, I know that this isn’t true, so this attempt didn’t succeed; it is like some ignorant person tried to tell me about my own life - hearing some lie, or making one up themselves.
The thought inserters can do great harm, but also seem rather stupid.
I wouldn’t say that my memories were specifically altered. However, my attitude towards encounters I had in the past changed drastically.
Events I thought insignificant became life-dictating issues, like who my parents were in terms of religion and profession, what I used to like to eat, whom I was friends with in school. On the other hand, matters of importance, like education and physical health, became a non-factor.