Can I still become a lawyer?


I’m 32 and I suffer from schizophrenia. I have little work experience, but a bachelor in law. It has always been my ambition to become a lawyer. I want to try so bad. Become a lawyer, find a wife, start a family. Do you think it is possible?

Anybody have similar succes stories? That despite your disability you still become succesful as a worker?


Congratulations on that. That’s a huge achievement.


I’m younger than most the platform members and tbh my credibility as far as speaking for this disease is very nil.

I’d like to chime in though.

I have spent roughly a year and half with two occupations, full time student and part time work.

In my opinion, the way I see things for me. Is that risk aversion is really really important.

If you work at your own pace, you can at least achieve the required credentials to apply for law based roles.

Anything more is completely dependent on how lucky your health reacts or treats you in regards to what happens to you between now and when you have the necessary second qualifications to practice the kind of law you would like to practice.

I would say, if you are in a position to fund or be funded for the training, I don’t see why you should not be able to handle it, assuming, that your health doesn’t cause the kind of disruption that leads to too much damage psyche wise.


it’s risky putting all your eggs in that basket, cause your pdoc and the local bar association do a mental health evaluation on potential lawyers, and they have to deem you fit to practice. at least in the usa

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Yes I worked in capital markets at the bank which is the most well paid area in banks. I am now studying for the LSAT and applying to law school. Hoping I get in next year. It’s up to you to pursue what you love in life. Don’t let your bachelor go to waste.


I do not know what requirements for being a lawyer are in the US. I suppose everything is possible.

I live in The Netherlands and I want to be a lawyer in the Caribbean, on Curaçao.

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Congratulations, this is quite an achievement!

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Honestly I think you should try it bro!!

Thomas M Cooley law school allows students to do a part time program if they want. Check it out!

By the way, congrats on your degree!

In California I know excons can become lawyers. My dads a lawyer he hated it at the end.

I also have a friend whose a lawyer I guess he likes it. My dad was a trial attorney and partner in a firm he got burned out at 64 and retired. The money is good but student loans aren’t a joke

if a person is just trying to get rich, at least in the usa, being a lawyer isnt the best route for most folks. 100k is standard loans for three years of law school. if a person got another high paying job that didnt require that much schooling, and didn’t have that much debt… they’d be actually wealthy by the time the lawyer paid off their debt if they invested instead of paying debt and made money instead of going to school longer. check out various incomes and compound interest calculators to see the difference a better career can make. plus law is stressful and is a trigger to those with mental health problems… that’s why mental illness is so prominent in the practice of law.

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I would be paranoid of being bribed or killed by the mafia if I was a lawyer…maybe I watch too much mafia shows and movies lol

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I don’t see why not. Of course it won’t be easy - but if its what you enjoy then I think its worth persisting with even if you do find it difficult.
I don’t know that much about law, but I do know that there are different areas of interest in being a lawyer. I would say you should look over which looks most applicable to you.

I would highly advise against that. The laws in Netherlands would be very different from laws in Caribbean. Why don’t you stick to laws in your country? I have read lawyers from different provinces having difficulty finding jobs outside of their province. I can imagine how it would be even more difficult for transfer of law degree country to country. From what I have read of you, I think you are having some sort of grandiose delusion about moving to another country and starting a career in law.

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Curacao is still part of the Netherlands, and I’m sure Dutch is the language used in local courts, so I don’t think he’s suffering from grandiose delusions in that regard.


I also have a law degree but unlike you I never really wanted to become a lawyer. You should definitely have a go, maybe part-time at first and then build-up your strength from there. Is there any specific field of law you’re interested in?

I see. To me, it just seems like he wants to move to Caribbean and enjoy all the sunshine and beaches. As a small island country in the Caribbean, I would imagine there being close to no jobs, let alone jobs for an immigrant lawyer.

I want to be a motivational speaker.