Can I have a hug?

I just need a hug. I’m feeling really down about everything lately. I can’t seem to get on a steady dose of haldol that works well without leaving me a zombie. Plus all my physical health problems that are really taking over my life right now. It seems I have so much going on, health wise, that I don’t know how I’ll make it through the day. Every day is painful and long and arduous. It’s a struggle just to sit up.


I just need a hug. Lie to me. Tell me I’ll be healthy one day and it won’t be such a struggle anymore. Anything.


Things DO get better, and I’m not lying.




Thanks. I see a specialist for my heart soon. I am putting all my eggs in his basket hoping he can somehow help even though no one for the last 20 years had been able to help.

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warm hugs to you

I don’t know what else to say…

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Hugs for you! :wink: things get better when you work on them, if you need advice talk to me, I’m almost cured of sz and I had no relapses since two years


I haven’t been feeling so great physically today myself.

Hope you start feeling better @LED.


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I would love to hug you, LED. I’ve had the same problems with Haldol. Geodon is a much better drug for me.

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A big hug for you. I have emphysema from 35 year’s of smoking. Things got better when I quit smoking which I did Cold Turkey.

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aww I wish I could hug you…you seem such a sweet person !! I hope life gets easier on you.


I tried geodon many moons ago, but it makes me gain weight super fast. :sob:

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Thank you, @jukebox. You’re very kind.


Is everything okay?


I’ve been feeling a bit nauseated today.
I think it’s because I’ve been drinking these diabetic protein shakes.
They are making me feel sick.

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Anything? Look on the bright side: Some people think that some day zombies will take over the world!

Just kidding. Seriously, they’ve been using Haldol for about 50 years. I’m pretty sure you’ll find a pdoc who will get the dose right. (Hug)

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Hug. Things do get better

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Good luck with the specialist
:hugs: hugs
Hope the new week goes well for you

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You’re alive and kickin’ so there’s hope. Last year when I had to go on oxygen, I thought it was the end. I really got depressed. But, just last week the doc ok’d decreasing it. I haven’t felt so hopeful in a year. So big hug, breathe deeply and you’ll get through this.:slightly_smiling_face:


Everything is going to be JUST fine. Hugs to you :hugs:

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@LED . I am a huggy kind of guy and you only need to ask!!

Hope your feeling better soon! It’s never easy but some kind words go a long way!

Chin up! Make tomorrow better and keep trying. It’s never ever easy…if it was then boards like these would have no members and we’d all be on the beach drinking banana daquiris!