Can hypnosis help with schizophrenia?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. They based it on the stories I told them. At the time I believed in the occult. I didn’t smoke Marijuana and I think I occasionally did lsd and ecstacy. I remember getting nightmares from the occult books I was reading. The nightmares were intense. I also believed in telepathy or communication of the soul/spirit world. I still wonder about it, is any spiritual phenomenon real or is it just delusion? I wondered, can hypnosis help with this sickness?



but I am in remission 12 years, my last psychosis was in 2010

Hypnosis can make psychosis worse imo! (I had hypnosis done in the prodromal stage)


I got interested in the occult and used LSD. I know next to nothing about demonology and it still f’s with me. I need to stay away from horror movies and books, I know it sounds silly but horror is not fun when it’s happening to you. I have a solid interest in science and nature writing. I’m reading history for the first time in my life. I’m schizo affective bi polar type but I was first diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. I’d used drugs but they knew right away it was mental illness. I started off very poorly. When it became my normal I improved. I let go of my delusions without resolving them. Later I was to have other delusions, all about the supernatural.

Try healing … Like Rekei,PranicHealing,Lama Fera…etc…

I use positive affirmations and learn them. In Germany I done self hypnosis, it was called “autogenes training”. Takes a lot of practice. Mindfulness helps too. Takes a lot of practice as well. But the best help is to trust your pdoc or general practitioner. Well, it’s different from sz to sz, as we are all individuals with special needs.

peaceful thoughts cured my issues


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I think hypnosis can make things worse.


@R_C Try reikei or pranic healing …it might work for symptoms …I do jorei healing and i run on trademill 6 days a week …It helps …

Hypnosis therapy isn’t like you see on TV shows. You can’t just command someone to ‘be well’. But what therapeutic hypnosis can do is to associate or dissociate ideas.

For example, my aunty was addicted to chocolate and used hypnosis to associate chocolate with poop. As a result chocolate and poop now smell very similar to her, or at least she can’t think of one without thinking of the other, and so too the taste (presumably).

EMDR is another form of hypnosis used to disassociate emotions from a memory, amongst other uses.

So hypnosis could probably help SZ with one thing or another, but it’s never going to cure everything.


@Ribbon …U are right … thanks for helping rc … I do jorei healing 6 days a week And also i run on trademill 6 days a week … It helping me a lot … Have a good day…

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Hypnosis creeps me out. I wouldn’t try it.

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How do you define remission?
What is it like?

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