Wet dreams, dry sex and it's realtion to insanity

To me, there is a connection, not that it can be helped. It’s a matter of aging (maturation) which just means our health doesn’t last that long.

I often wonder. If you stop doing dopamine triggering things does that improve our mental health?

It might. But I’m not sure what dopamine triggers you’re thinking of.

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Everything. In. Moderation.

I dont know much about the brain, but I know there are different dopamine receptors located all throughout.

I know D2 and D4 receptors are responsible for psychosis and mania.

But what I would really like to know are how dopamine triggering things, like @rogueone mentioned, affect these different dopamine receptors.

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So If I understand it some behavior like sex, cigarettes etc increase the dopamine? I used to be a horny young man and now as an older gent it’s not really an issue anymore. I know age sometimes decreases symptoms but I wonder if there’s a link.

I haven’t smoked cigarettes for nearly ten years now. I’m pretty stable. I do have symptoms and paranoia but most times I do ok. As someone who has decreased at least two dopamine behaviors I wonder. Mind you it has been reported that symptoms get less as you age for some…??

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If this matter concerns you, you can read over the “understanding genes” post that I have posted.

There are some evidence that mutations on the dopamine receptor genes can affect our mental health, but it is not 100% sure. So we cannot attest that dopamine receptors are directly related to our mental health/sz.

My brother told my dad about these things before and my dad was like “nah, it’s natural.” and didn’t do anything about it. He just said that it is a phase of getting older.

Yeah understand that. Antipsychotics work on d2-d4 receptors? Like they work so that system seems to be something. I’m just throwing it out there. What if you decrease things that reward the dopamine?? Just this…

As I’ve read only Clozapine acts on D4.

From experience, dopamine from nicotine lessens my symptoms while dopamine from caffeine aggravates them.

It’s kind of hard to understand :confused:

I’ve read you also have to take into fact the precursors that convert into dopamine.

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Thanks for putting “dry sex” in my head. lol.


I’m confused. Is dopamine the exciter or the soother?

From what I know, these genes receive the dopamine and process them. But for many of us, dopamine is just overloaded and the genes apparently can’t take that. Or, the genes are screwed up from the beginning due to a reason. The studies on the dopamine receptor genes are still really in the beginning stages.

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