So about 6 months ago I had taken acid and had the bad idea to go cold turkey off of seroquel. I’m bipolar 1 with psychotic traits. At first it was alright for the most part. But then i got these severe chest pains. Building up to a moment I was outside and I had to lay down from how intense the chest pains were. I am only 25 but it might have been a heart attack. I had been hospitalized for 4 months or so afterwards. I have since gotten an ekg and blood work and they haven’t found anything to suggest I had a heart attack. Now I have been released but my heart doesn’t feel the same. My resting heart rate feels higher and I get mild heart palpitations now. My energy levels also feel lower since and I now get this ringing in my ears every once in a while.
My question is if anyone has had any similar experiences after having gone off antipsychotics. Did you experience any long lasting differences to your heart or worsening of your condition? Could my medication now be effecting me differently? Thanks
I had heart issues when I came off seroquel cold turkey. They ran lots of tests and everything was fine. If they give a clean bill of heart health then you’re fine.
I’m still not sure what happened Seroquel made me utterly psychotic and I stopped taking it because I was slipping into a dream world and didn’t realise what I was doing. All of this (heart tests) happened when I was out of it.
Apparently after everything my heart is in perfect shape. It was even when they ran the tests. But I was just getting unpleasant sesations.
So I guess it resolved but other than the unpleasant sensations there was nothing to resolve aparently.
If they’ve checked you out and there’s no sign of a heart attack then there’s nothing to worry about.
Everhopeful I was still thinking about doing a heart monitor for a couple days just to be sure. So you didn’t notice any long term lasting Effects from the withdrawal? It is good that your tests said there was nothing wrong.
Goldenrex, you didn’t experience any long lasting effects after going cold turkey then? And thanks for the concern, I was thinking about switching to abilify. It is pretty unfortunate though, I feel quite different since before I went cold turkey off the meds. It is pretty odd too, I tried smoking cannabis the other day which normally was pretty therapeutic, but it made my heart rate go to 150
That’s good to hear. Gives me some hope that my life can go back to how to normally was before I got hospitalized. I still don’t know if maybe seroquel withdrawal has gave me rare long term effects.
I doubt it is GERD. I just checked the symptoms and the only one that applies is the occasional chest pain I get. I’m thinking if it isn’t long term effects of the withdrawal maybe it is new side effects of getting back on seroquel
Just so you know, if you have a psychotic disorder and use cannabis, your chances of having a psychotic episode increase by like 80%. And I don’t even want to think about what acid can do to folks like us. Please stay away from recreational drugs if you are serious about recovery.
The thing was that the cannabis used to work very well with my AP . It used to do well to calm my mood. Now I don’t use it because my heart rate gets all out of wack I have since stopped using cannabis. And acid was definitely a bad idea. I have certainly learned. It was after taking acid I had the idea of getting off my meds. When I take them, any of my psychosis is kept definitively at bay…assuming I also stay away from acid
seroquel withdrawal is tough but also short lived. i’ve withdrawn completeley from that crap, and it was hellish, but i like to consider myself tough. i haven’t given up on it completely though, i still take 100-200 mg of that crap every once in a while, down form 800-600-400 and so on.
the half life is seven hours, so its outta ur system by the next day pretty much, after that its all withdrawal. if you feel bad take a little bit of seroqeul, it never hurt anybody, just space it out. anywhere from 25-200mg should snap you out of a tough withdrawal.
years ago my chest hurt so bad i felt sure i was having a heart attack. it turned out to be acid reflux disease. my ww2 vet neighbor was hospitalized for days for the same problem. his age made his heart much more a suspect.
during all this i was told it is common for people to show up at the ER believing they are having a heart attack when the cause is acid reflux. you might want to ask around about it.
i stopped over eating, and the neighbor shared that whole milk had been a cure for him. i guess that makes sense since it is a base. also baking soda, tums, and such helps.
i’m sorry if this is way off for you. and i hope you can find some peace about your hearts strength.
I know for me I get racing heart I did the monitor test and they said I had SVT’s so put me on metoprolol to regulate the beats. I have an anxiety disorder so I’m guessing that probably contributes to my episodes of rapid heart beat. Did you have much anxiety with the withdraw?