Campfirequestion TW violence

You are in a situation to fight. live or death. What weapon would you choose or would like to just get killed without a fight ? I think this would be cool.

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Nice thread lmfao


i would use one of my katanas

Yes I thought give it go. I never talk about weapons, but I wonder how it feels flying and using a battle helicopter. I don’t want to think about these things, but thinking about the veterans who did this for us. I am a pacifist, but maybe not. I got real problems with this issues. Others take fighting for granted but someday we all will be old and vulnerable, happens to the best fighters.

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I was surprised to see the sheer shiny knife in post #2. Could see ppl getting triggered. But im

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All watch out who is in the kitchen. That is where the knife’s are.:rofl:

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You cut meat with that type of knife?? Or bread?? Haha :laughing:

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Most logical answer to end the fight quickly? An assault rifle. But that’s too bland so I strike firearms from the list and only think melee.

Glaive was always my favorite back when I used to fight with a Renaissance guild. I just work well with pole arms, they felt good.

Worked well with a Japanese naginata, but they’re similar builds.

I enjoyed Sabre and estoc, the flair is so fun.

I don’t know, lol

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They are countries where it’s difficult to obtain legally a firearm like here. We have to use our brains here to avoid a fight.

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We normally actively recruit high school students so we can put a gun in their hands and send them to war. Government funded child soldiers.

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Blow the f*cker to smithereens, lol…


Ok shut down. Violence

Gold AK47

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