Called 911 for my mom scared to death

Called 911 for my mom to be taken to the hospital around 4am scared to death of losing her she couldnt breathe and when she did take a breathe it was labored she has chf and stage 4 kidney Failure plus diabetes and other health conc erns could use prayers right now wont sleep at all till I know she is ok and coming home


That’s scary. I hope she’ll be ok.

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I hope so too We are very tight and a close family if one of us suffer we all suffer we are in this together wont be sleeping at all tonight till I hear word on how she is doing from my dad phone is on and will be on all night will keep everyone posted


I hope things turn out alright.

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I’m sorry @psychward101
Hopefully she’ll be ok
Sending prayers your way

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Thanks to everyone she also been coughing all night last night and tonight hopefully its just a bad cold


Update just got a text from my dad that xrays were good that they took of my moms chest and she is breathing a little better walked her down the hall at the hospital to check her breathing may have to stay overnight as a precautionary and for observation will post more once I know more info


All sweaty and clammy or sticky right now but no temperature or fever but whats more important than me right now is my mom although relieved she is doing a little better


Stinks she is in poor health. Saying prayers for your mom and you all.

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I hope your mother pulls through

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How scary! I’m glad she’s doing a little better. Keep us posted.

Update she is staying in the hospital for observation on how her breathing is and will be in the next hours Don’t know when she’ll come home, she called my dad and was able to talk to him and told him pt has been in three times and she had to have blood drawn and she misses us, and we miss her as well. All good signs she will recover from this, and she had 20 pounds of fluid on her lungs they were able to get some of the fluid off so she could breathe a little better scary stuff still scared for her health. She isn’t in the greatest health at all with all the morbidities’ she has against her. All I can do is pray and hope for the best and put it all in Gods Hands


Barring a heart transplant (which most won’t get) her days are limited. I am sorry for this. Do you have a plan for what you will do if you lose her?

I hope you get her back and enjoy the time you have left together.

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I havent gave that much thought what I would do if I lost her both my parents are up in age dad is 75 mom 72.I hope to have a lot of time left with her it will be in Gods time not ours when she is called home and she also could go in her sleep not nessarily has to do with chf but that doesnt help matters I also have a mild form of chf mine isnt as severe as my moms I could also go before her noone really knows really some people know when its their time like my grandma also had chf I think it could be passed down seems weird though that it was passed to me

20 pounds?!?! No wonder she was struggling! I am so glad they could get some off.

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me as well she usually takes Lasik but doesn’t because it affects her kidneys she has stage four kidney failure as well. She takes Lasik but not every day like she should. Had to pause for a minute my nose is running like a faucet.I am sick as well with a cold stuffy/runny nose when its not stuffy its runny annoying as h.

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Do you mean Lasix? I think that’s a med for fluid retention

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Praying for her

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yes sorry spelled it wrong its for fluid retention you are right

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