Call me Paranoid.. But

Yeah I applaud the Scottish change in the law too. Was a brave move but something needed to be done. A few people ‘without issues regarding alcohol ‘ complained because a litre of whisky went up a couple of quid but they generally I would say have the money to pay for it.

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3 Litres of 7.5% Cider is still available here in my local indian shop for 3.99.

Its makes it bloody difficult when your trying to knock the beer on the head.

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Yeah mate - that must be real hard. I am proud of you mate for getting dry and going to meetings. Well done buddy :+1:


It’s been a year now…I’ve drank 6 beers in a whole year. Every year I drink less and less. Maybe it’ll be 0 in 2020. But I drank 6 beers in 2019 so far.

Maybe u can consider asking your doc for medication to stop drinking. It’s been my savior. Worth a try right?? You can still go to meetings


Apparently, if you eat or drink something sweet it takes away the cravings. Keep a bag of boiled lollies on hand or bottles of ginger beer.

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@Jonnybegood and @Sarah

Ive got a med review on the 11th November, where im gonna be asking to up my depot jab - im getting too many breakthru symptoms in the last week of the month.

I got plenty of boiled sweets in a bowl here - and yes it does help with the cravings for a beer. Tho im also getting thru 2 bags of sugar a week tho lol.

Ive asked about going on Ant-Abuse , but they are never keen. Same with the benzos, i have to be near dying before they prescribe them.

They put alot of the focus on “you” to quit - like going to AA meetings (which i do) - but that just translates to me that they cannot be bothered with the drug side of things.

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I think the reason Doctors are hesitant to prescribe meds as a treatment for alcohol problems is the fear of replacing one addiction with another. You are doing amazingly well. Take that mini break from your family and continue to reduce your stress levels. When I was on the depot injection I never felt like it was becoming less effective after three weeks. I am not sure, but because of its half life (or whatever it is called), I think maybe it could be purely psychological on your part, and in your imagination that it is becoming less effective. Don’t hate me for saying that.:blush:

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That’s just complete nonsense though. These drugs don’t get you high. It’s quite the opposite. Whether it be Antabuse, naltrexone or something else. These drugs prevent you from getting high. And personally I’ve never seen an addict succeed without a “replacement addiction”. And these meds aren’t bad. It’s crazy they don’t give these drugs a chance considering the stuff they’ve done for me

Sad story TRIGGER WARNING :warning::

My friend Chase told me “I could tell you’re committed to recovery since you’re on naltrexone. It shows you really want to be sober. Most addicts including myself are scared of surrendering like that. That’s why I said no to naltrexone. Because deep down it’s hard to let go to the drugs”

Then he died of heroin overdose less than a month later.


Nah - your probably right. Ive been on the Depot for close to 4 years now, so its right that somes still gonna be in my system, even a week overdue.

I really wish they would give me a decent supply of Valium tho - alot of my voices, im sure are anxiety based now. Even going out i have to film on a convert camera cos i think something bads gonna happen.

I think alot of my symptoms are brought on by external environmental factors, hence i only go out the flat when i have to.

Apart from the commenting voices off the fans on the computers (which i learnt on here is pretty common, even non Mh people) ,
i do alright. Its when i go out i have a mental burp or two.

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That is a really sad story. I was only reading about this today as my bro-in-law is five days in on giving up drinking. The article I read was talking about benzos as treatment and the reluctance doctors (or this particular doctor writing the article) had in prescribing them. I am sure you know what you are talking about through life experience, and I am not so gullible to believe everything I read. :blush:


Benzos are a different story. No I’m not saying what you say is a nonsense but what the doctors think toward these meds. I’ve seen articles about how under prescribed naltrexone is

Like this one

So what is said is true even towards these meds.

It’s been around since the 90s I think but you still barely hear about it.

It’s not considered a “desirable” drug. But I desire it. Maybe I’m unique.

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“Mental burp or two” ha ha. Ask your Doc for a large dose of an SSRI antidepressant instead. I swear I am just so happy now. I am able to leave the house, drive again, go shopping, my cognition has improved and I can converse with people again. My anxiety was killing me before Lexapro.

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Yeah thanks mate - i probably will. I was on Sertraline 200mg for donkeys years, then all of a sudden they decided i wasnt depressed anymore and took me off it.

Mines alot of Social Anxiety now, what “might” happen. And it gets on my proverbial tits, crapping myself in a supermarket for example when it really busy…

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Thanks Gratitude, that was interesting. The statistics are shocking for alcohol related deaths so I can understand you wanting to promote these drugs… I feel the same way about Lexapro. I want to shout from the rooftops for all to hear just how great it is (for me). Keep ringing that bell for what you believe in. I will pass on this article to my bro-in-law. :smiley:

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Check this out too

I wouldn’t say it’s wise to push multiple drugs on a person at one time. Especially for a disease like alcoholism. They will become rebellious.

But I started this naltrexone dec of 2015. It helped a lot. But then in June of 2017 I started Zoloft. And now I literally don’t drink more than 1-2 beers every trimester of the year.

The combo of Zoloft+naltrexone is way better than naltrexone alone.

I literally just cannot stomach alcohol on this med combo.

My friend even said ssris and Antipsychotics combo stopped him from drinking for 8 months. But now he’s back to old ways. I gotta go. Good luck to us all. I have therapy. Now ttyl!!!


The combination therapy sounds really promising, something @Naarai might talk to his Doctor about. I am sure my bro-in-law will be interested too. He is really suffering now. Thanks again @Jonnybegood.


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