Caffeine is helping me sleep!

Like all this clean living is doing strange things to me.

Recently added a lot more caffeine to my day especially in the afternoons. I live a really structured life. Up at 4-5 am…lay down about 6pm and read so sleep around 8 pm onwards…except recently I think my body is doing strange things…

Like I’m sleeping more…9 hours and although I get up so early I’m sleeping so much better. Maybe get up once a night for a pee but otherwise even the fitbit scores for deep sleep etc are improving…?

Anyways. I’ve heard it can stimulate sleep in some but my sleep is qualitively better for sure stats wise…go figure.


I remember resting well with coffee in my stomach. It’s like your digestion is skipping over something.

Yeah, when I used to drink coffee in the evenings it would put me to sleep.


I can drink coffee right before bed…doesn’t hamper my sleep at all.

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I can drink coffee after 4pm and still be asleep four hours later.

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I’m the opposite. I can’t sleep on caffeine.

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I with you if I drink coffee before bed I’m up all night.

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Coffee makes me tired too.


That’s so weird!

Good you stumbled upon it though. Now I’m tempted to try :rofl:


I heard about a study that shows people prone to anxiety can get a more calming effect from caffeine. And people who dont have issues with anxiety can have anxiety triggered in them when they have caffeine haha.

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