Business, Tax and Savings, tobacco

I put away a little bit of tobacco each day hoping that it will disappear, I also give it to various plants as charity from time to time, I’m really angry with Amazon, they don’t pay tax and I don’t like any of their chosen charities.

They let you chose any charity with Amazon smile though. Havent looked into what charities Amazon supports

Mostly ice cream cones

I love ice cream someone should start a charity that plans to make ice cream part of everyones daily diet and I would donate

How do you suggest a charity to Amazon smile? I have one in mind…

Theres a registration process, but any charity can register, once registered when you shop you go on Amazon smile and select that particular charity as your chosen charity and they get money everytime you buy something. The charity can also create lists and then you can buy the products the charity needs on the list

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