I wanted to talk about this before I forget- there’s a term commonly referred to as “brain fog”, which is a state of cognitive decline. It’s very common in people with chronic fatigue and chronic illnesses, like fibromyalgia.
As a person who has a chronic illness and who suffers from brain fog, I wanted to talk about my experience in my own terms with cognitive decline. It’s like, my brain is in a permanent sense of “fog”, and I’m unable to think clearly or speak clearly. It’s like having your eyes blindfolded or your eyes shut and you’re confused.
I currently have outstanding verbal cognition and analytical-logical cognition, and OK visuo-spatial cognition.
My cognition has steadily improved throughout my life.
Being on a heavy dose of psychiatric medication definitely made me feel less capable of understanding what was going on around me. I still have moments where my brain lags behind and I find trouble with words, but its no way near what it was when I was in-inpatient treatment.
Psychosis definitely had an effect on that for me. I feel like I learn slower. I still learn but just slower.
When I get hypomanias though I learn quick.