Brain fog/cognitive decline (kinda organic symptom of psychosis)

I wanted to talk about this before I forget- there’s a term commonly referred to as “brain fog”, which is a state of cognitive decline. It’s very common in people with chronic fatigue and chronic illnesses, like fibromyalgia.

As a person who has a chronic illness and who suffers from brain fog, I wanted to talk about my experience in my own terms with cognitive decline. It’s like, my brain is in a permanent sense of “fog”, and I’m unable to think clearly or speak clearly. It’s like having your eyes blindfolded or your eyes shut and you’re confused.

Do you experience cognitive symptoms?


i have that since i was a teenager along with fast thoughts.

Meds made it worse tho.

Its kind of like everything feels like a dream and stuff.

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The only psychiatric med that caused me this was the large dose of Seroquel I used to be on.

Nowadays I have a problem focusing and concentrating but I don’t have a fog feeling.

Hope you are doing okay otherwise @anon10648258, I am always hoping that you are in a good state of mind. I know things can get tough sometimes.

Antidepressants can worsen this.

Visual short term memory
Non verbal memory
Executive functioning

I currently have outstanding verbal cognition and analytical-logical cognition, and OK visuo-spatial cognition.
My cognition has steadily improved throughout my life.

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Being on a heavy dose of psychiatric medication definitely made me feel less capable of understanding what was going on around me. I still have moments where my brain lags behind and I find trouble with words, but its no way near what it was when I was in-inpatient treatment.

Psychosis definitely had an effect on that for me. I feel like I learn slower. I still learn but just slower.
When I get hypomanias though I learn quick.

Bacopa has been proven to help the mind a lot, along with walnut oil. I take supplements and vitamins for it and it helps a lot.

From Twitter @elemental

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