Body neutrality

A bit of panpsychism cant hurt lol

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Im gonna get it

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@Schztuna The reason people are doing this is because it’s brilliant

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You’d be in some good company— I heard Miley Cyrus got it done:



That looks horrific


I dunno mayne :sweat_smile:

She looked fresh faced before, that’s all I’ll say :sweat_smile:


I want the fat above my nasolabial fold to be removed. Not the entire side of my ■■■■■■■ face

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I feel a little bad now. I always shout “show me all shapes”.

But I immediately have a preferrence for certain photos over others. Venezuela (men). Or Mexico or Phillipines (women).


I’d sue the doctor. If I were her. What did they do to her? :-o


That’s what the tube attachment on the vacuum is for. Attach it to your cheek and turn it on.


I like the look of Spain probably cos it’s the one closest to me. :grin:


Maybe my mind thinks I still have a Phillipines body shape. Though I’m not exactly that shape anymore… :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol nothing wrong with that. I think part of it is biology anyways. Like for example I think it’s a thing that males who have larger frames tend to prefer women with bigger hips because it would tend toward more successful birthing.

Also temperaments commonly align with bodies I feel. We’re not the way we are for no reason, there’s biological reasons for that. Like for example choleric personality type people tend to be more agressive but also tend to be more muscular and have less body fat than say plegmatic personality type people. The common cause might be higher testosterone or something like that which makes people both more aggressive and muscular.

Everyone clicks with a certain “type” I feel

I think it’s one of evolutions ways of staying balanced… of finding homeostasis.

Like when we’re hungry we tend to desire the foods whig our bodies need. I think we seek out and desire a mate who has what we lack in personality and also physically (to produce balanced offspring).


Think you are right!

Now off eating plain rice with plain chicken (and watching kid eat pizza… :cry: ).


People still experience it anyway, its hard to concieve of a way to exiat outside of pressure when its a context we’re submerged in

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Loooool sorry for the wall of text. In stuck here eating an egg salad haha gotta lose weight. I guess it’s better than no food at all right? :stuck_out_tongue:

I better count my blessings :pray::pray::pray:


Wow. I learnt a new word. Still unclear as the meaning but I could watch some youtubes.

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Oh I don’t mind text walls normally. I do them. But I was too hungry (and kid as well) to respond better. :slight_smile:

I think you indeed very instinctively choose a partner with the right looks. For some reason I was extremely attracted to kid’s father. In a second. I think my body thought he was good to have offspring with. (Which turned out quite well, I must say, kid is cool ;)).

Not only physically. It’s funny how some social traits that seemed like an extreme mismatch to us both…we clashed incredibly over them…somehow worked out in a very balanced way in my son.

In other things I indeed think you seek out a partner who is similar. Ex and I were both very skinny at the time. It seems logical that I, being skinny, didn’t want to birth a child by a very big and large guy. Instinctively. In the ancient past that could have killed me.

I also think there’s what you are used to seeing though. Not nature. But nurture. I was rock climbing a lot. All my male friends and flirts were extremely skinny and fit. You kind of get used to that. My preference changed a bit.


Hope your eggsalad wasn’t that bad.

My rice with chicken was okay (after I extingished the small fire I accidently caused in my kitchen :dizzy_face:). I guess we indeed should be grateful.


This whole getting to an certain body type is freaking me out, i remember being 25kg heavier and being mentally fine. I just worked out cause i liked it now i am like how should i look, how can i look. I also had bad experiences with women trying to change me