I have blurry vision since starting Abilify maintena and Latuda 4 years ago. We’ll its it’s slowly but surely getting worse, I wear glasses.
Here’s the thing every time I go to the doctor, they say it may or may not be the meds and that making adjustments to the medication could mentally destabilize me. Um I don’t want to go blind either!
I made an appointment and I’m going to get my doctor to adjust my meds as safely as possible and get my vision to as normal as possible.
If your age is 40+ that’s to be expected, to a certain extent. Especially if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen. Eyesight can be helped by doing specific eye exercises, such as focusing on a moving point (your own fingertip for example).
I also have blurry vision - sometimes, not always, which makes me believe the cause is neurological. I take aripiprazole (abilify) as well. I went off meds twice, each time ending up psychotic. So that road is blocked. I also work as a software developer, so odds are stacked against me.
I rely on going outdoors and away from pc / phone screens as often as I can. It helps.
Are your eyes blurry all the time, or just when you shift your focus from near to far or vice versa? Some of the meds I have been on have affected the amount of time my eyes take to refocus. What should be nearly instant takes ten or more seconds and I thought my vision was starting to go because of it.
The reason I’m suspecting the blurry vision is the meds, is because my vision did go blurry once while I was in hospital, but it was because of the Cipralex I started at the time, it happened really quickly. Once I switched the Cipralex to something else, my vision went back to normal…
Now I’m suspecting it may be the Latuda I’m on now. I’m also on Abilify Maintena so it could be that, or even the fact that I’m on really high doses of both Latuda and Abilify Maintena plus an anti deppressent.
Also my eye doctor doctor has ruled out everything else, but did admit that the medication might be a culprit.
I’m only in my early 30’s and when the blurriness came about the second time, it happened within months of me going on the maximum doses of Abilify and Latuda.
So I don’t know, but it’s worth investigating with my doctor.