Best way to concentrate on movies?

I can watch about 20mins max then I just shut off. Any tips?

I’m usually the same way. I just tend to watch them in segments. It’s easier than trying to force myself to pay attention when I can’t or follow the story when I can’t. And I don’t even try when I’m having a hard time concentrating on things as is. I only try when I’m in a movie watching mood.

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Ive been falling asleep on the couch while watching certain TV shows :smile:

When I drink green tea it seems to help me get on board with concentrating. Its cheap too. It takes me about a month to go through a whole box of green tea. I brew though.

Maybe you don’t like movies. i don’t like movies. I don’t enjoy them. Oh well.

Just accept it. If there are ad breaks, get up and have an ecig out the window/door. That works for me. If you are watching something you can pause, do the same. But Don’t stay sitting down watching the ad breaks. Consider them concentration breaks for you to get up.

There was a time I couldn’t even watch movies at all, so taking a break every 20 minutes is a step up for me.

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First if find myself in a manic state unable to focus long on the film. Once I began taking perturbations, I can’t sit that still for that long without passing out. Now I picked up cigs again which means even more breaks to get through what would have been a two hour flick.

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Perphenazine stupid spellcheck