I was wondering what jobs you guys think are best and easiest jobs to hold down for people with schizophrenia? I’m currently looking to get a part time job in the 10$ hr range while being on disability.
Low stress, flexible hours…perhaps a librarian, etc?
i’m still building up to getting a small job just now, basically i want to be on a phone helping people in some way, maybe a phone counsellor or receptionist, i might go back to college as well though,
the volunteer job i have just started is supposed to be letting me on the phones soon so it will be very good experience, i used to be terrible on the phone and could hardly use it (too paranoid and things) but now its easier.
İ have working as a hospital cleaner .very easy job and you don t interact with people much.you can start as cleaner.you don t have to say what s your disease are.they don t need to know that.
there are a lot of jobs you can do for companies online i used to work as a virtual assistant (VA) online for a small business owner doing different things to help her many jobs you can work your own hours you can select to do work that is always the same and consistent or always different and interesting just know yourself and what your looking for what you enjoy there are so many different things you can assist people with and variety of income depending on education experience or just how much the company is willing to pay and you can pick and choose what exactly you want to do there is a website called upwork and another called freelancer that serves as a meeting place for people wanting to hire online workers to help them all from your computer as for an offline job i think a job where you can determine your own hours and low stress which would be more likely with a small local business than a national chain
look for your local RSS social club, and see if you could get a job working for them, i drive the van for my club, not too many hours that will affect your benefits from DSS. I am sure they can help you find a job you can handle.
I was a data entry clerk for 3 years before a relapse hit me. Where I worked was easy because they scanned papers into the computer and you enter the customer information…that was it. Sometimes we’d have to help open mail, or balance the checks that came if the other departments were low or we didn’t have work in our own department.
I found the work real easy, but the other workers that were more the problem,that and the unstable work period, you go to working 8 hour’s 7 days a week to working 2 days a week in a heart beat. Then times where you overloaded with work, and times you were doing anything to keep on the clock because you were paid hourly. But I agree anything with low stress levels. With me stress trigger’s relapses, so I have to be careful about that.
I wanna be a delivery driver but I need to learn to drive
Janitorial work isn’t that bad. It’s not too hard physically, and if you’re lucky like me, you can find a place where you can go off and clean on your own.
I deliver packages. Easy job. You get a list of addresses and drive there carefully to not destroy your cargo. Deliver the package get a sign on the pda and you are done.
Hello. I second the librarian job. I would also say accounting, maybe graphic design if you’re a people person, book-keeping. Also, a lot of colleges often have ads for p/t seasonal jobs like helping out in journalism, the environment etc. I don’t know what the work entails exactly but I imagine it’s just a lot of networking and phone calling.
why does it have to be “best” and “easy”?
its a JOB.
Because it’s hard to work when u have schizophrenia with delusions attacking you all day.
Thanks for the replies guys.
the type of job depends on the type of person like how they can tolerate stress or if they are not very sociable then a quiet job away from groups and crowds might do, i think some of us more high functioning sz may be able to get a job but its still hard for us, we may need help getting back to it or get eased into it and starting on low hours with support (which i am aiming for)
I actually suffer from the same affliction…Whassup man?
good to see ya.
I had a saying concentration is the art of distraction. When I wasn’t able to work or go to school, I would feel forces attacking me and then I will think about it all and just get off track.
I used to think a job was like a mission. Start small like get dressed and ready to leave the house for hours.
Do what you love and the money will follow.
What kind of things to you like to do?
Like to make food= cook.
Try to keep things in order= cleaner
Don’t being around people=night watchman.
Then you think about your task and think less about all the stuff bugging you. You have a mission. So it’s like they give you a reward for the mission and it takes your mind off concentrating on all the strange things going on.
Does working in a restaurant appeal to you? Like as a dishwasher or busboy? It’s not hard work physically. It’s not complicated and every restaurant I’ve ever worked gives you meals for half price or even free. I don’t turn up my nose at working in a restaurant. A job is a job. And I’ve seen older folk like me get hired.
You have to work fairly quickly sometimes. like at the breakfast, lunch and dinner time rush. And there’s no standing around but it’s not that stressful.
I’ve worked in various department stores too. Some of the work is physical but it’s not always backbreaking. You could stock shelves. I worked at Macy’s for two months before I got fired. My job was to take a ticket gun and a pen and look for the price tag on the merchandise and take my ticket gun and scan the bar code to see if the right price was on it. If it was wrong, my duty was to write the correct price on it. For me, it was one of those jobs where it would be simple for 95% of employees but I just could not get the hang of it.
I would also recommend looking for vocational programs for the disabled online in your area. I went to two of these. It’s pretty low stress. They hold informal classes and groups and prepare you for getting a job by a series of small steps. They don’t pressure you to get a job but if they think your ready after going for awhile they will tell you and maybe even find a job for you.
Yeah, I looked into that. But the hours aren’t that great and I don’t like the uniform.